SCP-4666 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月1日 · The first, and most common, is that SCP-4666 will kill all members of the family save for one child under the age of 8, whom it will abduct. SCP-4666 will inflict incapacitating injuries to family members while they are sleeping, then herd them into a single room of the dwelling where it will proceed to kill them in view of each other.
SCP-4666 - 百度百科
SCP-4666「圣诞魔人」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中记录的一个可怕生物。 常常出没于覆盖风雪的小村庄,若他盯上了某户人家的孩子,这户人家大概率会惨遭他的杀害,只有最小的孩子会幸存,并被拐走做成玩具。 将监控世界范围内网络通讯与执法渠道中是否有SCP-4666活动痕迹,尤其注意涉及有年幼儿童家庭的跟踪案或异常现象报告。 一旦怀疑有Weissnacht事件正在进行,距离最近的收容特遣队将出动尝试对SCP-4666进行收容。 适用标准PDP/VIII人形首次接触 …
SCP-4666 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Yule Man, also known as SCP-4666 and as Gluggagægir to the Icelandic people, is an enigmatic and extraordinarily powerful entity that is active only near rural households north of 40°N latitude during late December to early January. The SCP Foundation has attempted to capture SCP-4666...
SCP-4666 - Villains Wiki
SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is a minor antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. Because of his ability to teleport at will and extreme difficulty to contain, he is classified as Keter by the Foundation.
SCP-4666 - The Yule Man - The SCP Foundation Database
2021年12月21日 · SCP-4666 will inflict incapacitating injuries to family members while they are sleeping, then herd them into a single room of the dwelling where it will proceed to kill them in view of each other. The method of killing varies with the event, and will typically be preceded by some form of torture, which appears to serve a ritualistic purpose ...
SCP-4666 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月26日 · SCP-4666「圣诞魔人」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中记录的一个可怕生物。 SCP-4666当前确信为一名来源未知、寿命极长的人形实体。 Weissnacht事件的幸存者一般将SCP-4666描述为一名身材极高(2米到2.3米间)的 老年欧洲血统男性,其外貌极度瘦弱。 实体似乎总是全身裸体,即便是在寒冷天气的户外。 SCP-4666的项目等级是 Keter。 [1] SCP-4666常常出没于覆盖风雪的小村庄,若他盯上了某户人家的孩子,这户人家大概率会惨遭他的杀害,只 …
SCP-4666 - SCP財団
scp-4666は眠っている家族に傷を負わせて無力化した後、住居の一部屋に集め、お互いの見ている中で殺し始めます。 殺害手段はイベントごとに様々ですが、通常、儀式的な意図があると思われる何らかの拷問が先行します(下記“ヴァイナハト・イベントログ ...
Scp - 4666 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
The first, and most common, is that SCP-4666 will kill all members of the family save for one child under the age of 8, whom it will abduct. SCP-4666 will inflict incapacitating injuries to family members while they are sleeping, then herd them into a single room of the dwelling where it will proceed to kill them in view of each other.
SCP-4666 - 나무위키
SCP-4666은 늙고 수척하며 비정상적으로 키가 큰 노인의 형상을 한 SCP이다. 단순히 자극에 의한 반응이 아니라 능동적으로 살인, 유괴, 식인 등의 범죄를 저지르는, 수많은 SCP들 중에서도 굉장히 극악무도한 SCP 중 하나이다. 그 특성 때문에 격리하는 것이 심각하게 어려워서, 전 세계에 레이더를 깔아 율맨의 동선을 겨우 파악하고 있을 뿐 막지도 못하고 있다. 그 잔혹성이 너무나도 심각한 탓에 역사 경연인 '4000 경연' 보다는 호러가 주제인 '3000 경연'에 더 어울릴 정도. 2. 상세 [편집]
2020年6月8日 · scp-4666仅活跃在每年连续的12个夜晚,活跃期从12月21日晚上到1月1日晚上,历经圣诞节,此期间发生的事件被称为"魏斯纳赫特事件",并且会出现在北纬40°以北的任何位置,在所有已知魏斯纳赫特事件中,案发位置都符合以下特征:都是孤立的乡村地点,家里有 ...