SCP-4667 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-4667 is a mute, 26-year-old humanoid female of Soviet descent. SCP-4667 has been diagnosed with total anodontia 1. Organisms possessing deciduous and/or succedaneous teeth in near proximity 2 to SCP-4667 will be subjected to a dental-transfigurative effect.
SCP-4667 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Ivadente, identified as SCP-4667 and nicknamed "I Am Become Teeth" by the SCP Foundation, is a mute, toothless Soviet woman who passively causes teeth inside living beings to elongate and appear across the body, even after death. This effect will eventually kill the affected being, as vital organs would eventually be punctured.
SCP-4666 - SCP基金会
Weissnacht事件的幸存者一般将SCP-4666描述为一名身材极高(2米到2.3米间)的老年欧洲血统男性,其外貌极度瘦弱。 实体似乎总是全身裸体,即便是在寒冷天气的户外。 SCP-4666异常性质的性质和程度仍然未知,但其似乎能瞬时或近乎瞬时地去往北纬40°以北的任何地点,且可能还包括地球上任何地点。 SCP-4666的活动只在每年的12个连续夜晚发生,从12月21-22日夜晚持续到1月1-2日夜晚。 此期间被称为SCP-4666的“活动期”。 此期间会发生被称为"Weissnacht事件" …
SCP-4667 - I Am Become TEETH - YouTube
2024年10月19日 · SCP-4667 is a mute, 26-year-old humanoid female of Soviet descent. SCP 4667 has been diagnosed with total anodontia1. Organisms possessing deciduous and/or succedaneous teeth in near proximity...
SCANZEN - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
一幅scp 4667正在逃出寄生车辆的图片 特殊收容措施: 一间具有双层壁的基金会收容间,内置有一冷却装置确保温度位于零下100度左右,外墙壁与内墙壁由钛合金组成,两壁之间含有金属网报警装置。
I am become TEETH | SCP-4667 | The Tooth Fairy (SCP Animation)
2021年12月3日 · Kloss and Chen investigate a strange tale of anodontia.
SCP-4667 - SCP財団
SCP-4667が発見・収容された場合には、歯が生えている生物のあらゆる集団から約100km離れた場所で、標準的なヒト型生物収容チャンバーに留置されます。 生存に必要とされる食事などの措置は、事前に抜歯されたDクラス職員1名が実行する予定です。 説明: SCP-4667は発話障害を持つ26歳のソビエト系女性ヒト型実体です。 SCP-4667は全無歯症 1 であると診断されています。 脱落歯および/または代生歯を有する生物は、SCP-4667の近傍 2 に位置している時、歯 …
Entry Page: 4667 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
2019年5月26日 · Second Mate Wilhelm Cale Chief Engineer Kenelm Hyram Iosif Jekaterina Captain Boleslav Kondrat SCP-4667 Chief Mate Carlton Tilda Russ Stanford Sebastian Wendell Object Classes Keter Uncontained Security Clearance Levels Level 3 20th Century CE 1970s 1970 1977 1980s 1981 1985 21st Century CE...
Scp-4667 the horseman death | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Scp-4667 is a apollygon level scp that cannot be contained. It is a creature of the Christan apocalypse and it is a signal that the apocalypse has started with three more horsemen. Scp-4667 is a skeletal being that wears a cloak and wields a scythe while riding aback a steed of bones while in the apocalypse.
SCP-4666 - 나무위키
SCP-4666은 늙고 수척하며 비정상적으로 키가 큰 노인의 형상을 한 SCP이다. 단순히 자극에 의한 반응이 아니라 능동적으로 살인, 유괴, 식인 등의 범죄를 저지르는, 수많은 SCP들 중에서도 굉장히 극악무도한 SCP 중 하나이다. 그 특성 때문에 격리하는 것이 심각하게 어려워서, 전 세계에 레이더를 깔아 율맨의 동선을 겨우 파악하고 있을 뿐 막지도 못하고 있다. 그 잔혹성이 너무나도 심각한 탓에 역사 경연인 '4000 경연' 보다는 호러가 주제인 '3000 경연'에 더 어울릴 정도. 2. 상세 [편집]