SCP-4759 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4759 are anomalous additions to existing bills being considered by state legislatures. SCP-4759 instances are usually between 10,000 and 120,000 words and consist …
SCP-4759 - 甜甜圈稅挑戰者 - SCP基金會
支持scp-4759的立法者將出現失眠、持續惡夢、嚴重麵粉過敏等症狀。 有時,稅法支持議員身邊會突然出現一名實體與之搭話,該實體歸定為scp-4759-a。scp-4759-a是一名外型為手持長矛、 …
SCP-4758 - SCP基金会
scp-4758-1的身体结构通常被描述为幼虫状。 在病症的最后阶段,SCP-4758-1将开始通过毛孔分泌粘液;该粘液的作用尚未明确。 SCP-4758-1的正面和背面将长出两组大型手臂状结构。
【ゆっくりSCP解説】ドーナツ税に抗う者 SCP-4759 - YouTube
Item #: SCP-4759ドーナツ税に抗う者Object Class: KeterTwitter:https://twitter.com/BookScpcf.http://ja.scp-wiki.net/scp-4759Author: …
SCP-4759 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4759. Laconic Containment Procedures: To monitor for manifestations of SCP-4759. Laconic Description: Anomalous additions to pre-existing bills filled with jibberish with one …
SCP-4759 - The Challenger of Donut Taxes - YouTube
Code: SCP-4759Title: The Challenger of Donut TaxesRating: +76Wordcount: 880Last Edit: 18 Apr 2019 13:39Revision: 4Tags: _cc, document, food, humanoid, keter,...
SCP-4759(OC) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: SCP-4759 appears as a skinny teen and has pale skin, moppy white hair, and red eyes. This is caused by his ability, as it blocks ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing his body …
SCP-4759 - アニヲタWiki(仮) - atwiki(アットウィキ)
2025年3月11日 · SCP-4759は、シェアード・ワールド SCP Foundation に登場する オブジェクト である。 オブジェクトクラス はKeter。 SCP-4759は州議会で検討されている異常な追加 …
SCP-4759 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2021年6月25日 · SCP-4759. The player. Class: Euclid. Powers: He can summon anything he thinks of. He is immune to any spells and curses, and he can also reverse the effects of the …
scp 4759 the rain dragon - SCP Sandbox III
ITEM #: SCP-4759. OBJECT CLASS: Euclid. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: item SCP-4759 is to be kept in fourteen meters by fourteen-meter room and is to be checked on …