SCP-4777 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月9日 · Description: SCP-4777 is the designation given to all known individuals who have both partaken in a full SCP-4777-A event and have identical genetic code to the Irish republican and socialist leader James Connolly (this particular individual being designated SCP …
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SCP-4777 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4777 Object Class: Neutralized Laconic Containment Procedures: All known instances of SCP-4777 are now deceased. Laconic Description: SCP-4777 are several people who share the exact same genetics as Irish republican James Connolly and have been involved in multiple armed conflicts.
SCP-4776 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4776 exhibits antimemetic properties that prevent individuals from sustained knowledge on its exact positional data. SCP-4776 is theorized to be a directed kinetic energy weapon deployed by the United States Department of Defense as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative, a project to form a missile defense system for the continental ...
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SCP-4778 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4778 are an anomalous subspecies of North-Pacific humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Instances are nearly identical to baseline humpback whales but possess bioluminescent stripes not found in any other currently known species of whale.
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SCP-4777 "The candy cycle." | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Description: SCP-4777 Is an circular, pink colored, strawberry candy that measures about an inch, with no brand, no name, or any other writing on it's wrapper. SCP-4777-1 Is black skeleton doll with decorations such as flowers, paint, and colorful drawings, it measures one …
SCP-4777-JP-J - SCP財団
127是一把活体枪,看上去和摸起来都是一把普通的MP5冲锋枪,但是会定期补充子弹,射出去的子弹就是127的牙。 目前射速定的是和MP7一样,威力和九尾步枪差不多(是中士步枪不是机枪)换弹和scp阵营的回盾有点类似:在一段时间不开枪的情况下,会一秒钟回一个子弹,直至回复31颗子弹。 开枪后,回复子弹会暂停,过一会就会继续回复(换弹没换完也是一样,换到一半不小心开一枪就停止换弹了,还要等一会才能换弹) 127和别的枪一样,可以瞄准,可以检视,但 …
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