SCP-4823 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4823 is a ripe specimen of Musa acuminata, more commonly known as a Cavendish banana. It is indestructible and does not suffer from normal biological degradation. It appears to be ancient, with thermoluminescence placing it as at least 20,000 years old.
SCP-4823 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4823. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4823 is to be kept in a secure locker at Site-77. Diplomatic procedures are halted due to the foundation accidentally causing a plague of fruit flies. Laconic Description: SCP-4823 is a banana that, when peeled, sucks people into a world inhabited by banana people.
SCP-4823 - SCP財団
SCP財団史上最悪レベルのやらかし。SCP-4823「The Whole World Has …
2021年3月27日 · しかし今回ご紹介する SCP-4823「The Whole World Has Gone Bananas!」(その世界はバナナと化した!)で 財団が犯したミスは、ある人々にとってあまりにも致命的なものであり、 その結末は思わず目を覆いたくなるほど悲惨なものでした。 SCP-4823 - …
SCP-4823 | The World's Gone Bananas! | XK Class End of the …
2021年1月30日 · SCP-4823 | The World's Gone Bananas! | XK Class End of the World Scenario SCP #scp #scpfoundation #creepypasta #scpreading #scpreadings. The site was locked down and extermination efforts...
【ゆっくりSCP紹介】SCP-4823【The Whole World Has ... - YouTube
いや、食べない方が申し訳ないに決まってる!SCP-4823 - The Whole World Has Gone Bananas!by Sebarus本家...
SCP-4823 - 全世界はバナナを失った!(原文:The Whole World Has Gone Bananas!) - SCP …
説明: SCP-4823は、一般的にキャベンディッシュバナナとして知られている Musa acuminata の成熟した標本です。 SCP-4823は破壊不可であり、通常の生物学的劣化の影響を受けません。 このアノマリーは古く、熱ルミネセンス法によって少なくとも2万年前のものと推定されています。 The main anomaly of SCP-4823 is a localized trans-dimensional two-way gateway in place of fruit flesh. The gateway becomes exposed when the banana is peeled, which can only be …
SCP-4823: "The World's Gone Bananas!" - YouTube
2024年1月9日 · Isn't this appealing?SCP-4823 was written by Sebarus Narrator - Jon Grilz Valerie - Addison Peacock Music - Tom Rory Parsons Showrunner & Sound Designer - Pa...
SCP-4823 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Name: Farenai/SCP-4823. Age: suspected early twenties or late teens. Object class: safe. 4823 was discovered after a shipwreck, the ship pilot said he saw a girl moving around in the water below him so he was trying to avoid hitting her. While attempting not to hit her, a co-pilot had attacked her, taking her eye out.
SCP-4823 - Весь мир сбананился! - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-4823 — спелый образец Musa acuminata (банан Кавендиш). Объект невосприимчив к физическому воздействию, а также не подвержен нормальному биологическому разложению. Судя по всему, возраст объекта довольно высок: по данным термолюминесценции, он составляет не менее 20 000 лет.
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