SCP-4839 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-4839 is a subatomic particle that can only be detected with a Barton-Salas Kullervo Detector 2. It is discovered SCP-4839 cannot be transferred from its host object, and does not affect the object’s mass.
SCP-4839 - SCP基金会
如果在2065年12月2日前未能收容至少70%的scp-4938,那么将发生zk级现实崩溃情景。 描述:scp-4839是一种亚原子粒子,只能以巴顿–萨拉斯型库勒沃探测器 2 探测到。scp-4839不能离开其所处的物体,也不会影响所处物体的质量。 项目起源于另一维度,目前确信其能 ...
SCP-4839 - SCP財団
2022年1月27日 · アイテム番号: scp-4839. オブジェクトクラス: keter. 脅威レベル: 黒 • 特別収容プロトコル: scp-4839は大量に存在するため、大規模収容区域-4839(以下、mcz-4839)がscp-2400内に建設されました。mcz-4839はscp-4839を保管する2棟の倉庫、職員用居住区および警備 …
SCP-4839: - FAFNIR - or, "I Caress It, 'Cause I Possess It!" - Reddit
2020年6月22日 · SCP-4839 is a subatomic particle that can only be detected with a Barton-Salas Kullervo Detector. In other words, this anomaly can supposedly only be detected using this specific apparatus called the Barton-Salas Kullervo Detector.
SCP - 4839 - Безымянная книга
Описание: SCP-4839 представляет собой античную книгу, название которой не читается в обыденном понимании, так как состоит из символов, исчезающих при попытке фиксации взглядом. Обложка книги выполнена из материала, не …
讨论串 - SCP基金会
#SCP-4839 - FAFNIR - or, "I Caress It, 'Cause I Possess It!" - Reddit
2020年6月17日 · It is extradimensional in origin, and is believed confirmed to be the catalyst for the destruction of our universe by SCP-4839-Omega — a hostile, reality-bending entity from Universe-91-Lambda. SCP-4839-Omega is also known as DREAD KÜLLERVO or the Seventh Prince of Corbenic.
SCP-4839 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-4839. Object Class: Drygioni (Item is currently under an official investigation for authenticity by the Overseer Council) Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4839 is not real. Laconic Description: SCP-4839 is a fictional particle that the Administrator uses as an excuse to compulsively contain things.
SCP-4839 - SCP Vakfı - Wikidot
Madde #: SCP-4839. Nesne Sınıfı: Keter. Tehlike Seviyesi: Siyah • Özel Saklama Prosedürleri: Varoluş içerisinde çok fazla sayıda SCP-4839 bulunduğu için, Kütle Muhafaza Bölgesi 4839 (bundan sonra MCZ-4839 olarak anılacaktır), SCP-2400'ün içinde inşa edilmiştir. MCZ-4839, SCP-4839'un depolanması için gereken iki depodan ...
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