SCP-4874 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4874 is sapient and capable of emitting radio waves within a 30-meter radius. The anomaly communicates exclusively via SMS messages. Examples of recorded messages can be found in the Addendum.
SCP-4875 - SCP基金会
SCP-4875-1是一个大小不定的超维空间,其地质和天气模式与阿塔卡马沙漠相似。 无线电、互联网和卫星通信无法穿透SCP-4875-1。 它具有多变的特性,最常见的是大规模的地形异常、几何不一致、天空中同时出现未知星座和淡绿色色调,以及大量由铁、钢和一种未知金属材料建造而成的破旧建筑和结构。 其中一些建筑的结构大致与智利圣地亚哥市的建筑模式相匹配。 受SCP-4875影响的个体似乎并未被这些特性所惊吓,反而由于感知功能失效而表现出顺从和轻微好奇的态度 …
SCP-4874 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-4874. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4874 is to be kept in a steel-lined object locker. Laconic Description: SCP-4874 is a human heart wearing a backpack that can communicate through radio waves.
your friend - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
故事改编自scp-4874 这是为数不多比较感人的异常 一颗为了她而跳动的心脏 ”我回来了“我在家门口冲着父亲叫:“新学校很好,我知道你要问什么。
讨论串 - SCP基金会
SCP-4873 - SCP Foundation
2021年10月2日 · Description: SCP-4873 refers to a pair of Colt-45 Peacemaker revolvers with black and white etchings, dubbed SCP-4873-A and SCP-4873-B respectively. Both SCP-4873 instances show no composition differences from a standard Colt-45 revolver. The revolvers seem to be relatively new.
SCP系列(4000-4999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
4000到4099 禁忌之地 - 禁忌之地scp-4001 - 永恒之亚历山大城scp-4002 - 黑月嚎叫于时界之外scp-4003 - 牛仔,天主教,白垩纪scp-4004 - 成真梦想scp-4005 - 桃花石国桃花源scp-4006 - #马萨诸塞真相scp-4007 - 影…
SCP-4874 - Fondation SCP
Fondation SCP Sécuriser, Contenir, Protéger. Base de données SCP. Série SCP - FR . 001-FR - 099-FR; 100-FR - 199-FR; 200-FR - 299-FR
SCP 4874 | Bendy and the Ink Machine Amino - Amino Apps
2018年9月11日 · SCP# 4874 is seemingly docile in light environments only proving deadly if eyes are not on it at all times. Prefers to stalk dark hallways and sings almost a lullaby to lull its victims into a failed sense of safety.
SCP-4874 | Wiki | Bendy and the Ink Machine Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-4874 is a cat like creature that seems to ooze an inky substance from its mouth like spit. It appears to be in a twisted form of a clown suit that turns into an inky goo when touched and solidifies into a trap of sorts when attached to any prey, but simply drips off of anyone who is …