SCP-4951 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-4951 is a self-propagating digital cloud-based entity capable of writing portions of itself on any operating system to which it is exposed. At time of writing, 186 such devices are in containment, collectively designated SCP-4951-1.
SCP-4951 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-4951. 项目等级:Keter / Thaumiel. 特殊收容措施:SCP-4951-1的全部有形组成部分应保持在接入电源和未过滤网络的状态下。 于任何由SCP-4951-1所创建的上市公司中,基金会资产应至少占有51%股份。
SCP-4951 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-4951 is the digitalised conscience of Horacio Avelar, founder of Avelar Professional Products Inc, that produces insurance policies for future anomalous disasters that it accurately predicts.
SCP-4951 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2018年6月20日 · SCP-4951 is a malignant colony of microscopic pathogen that display intelligent and sentient behavior under a singular hive like mentality. Infected hosts are referred to as SCP-4951-1, excluding SCP-4951-A. Hosts can spread SCP …
SCP-4952 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-4952是一个与一处已废弃的机动车隧道出口、附近的一个污水池及连接上述各点的一段公路的出口有关的反复发生事件,连接上述位置的路段位于 马萨诸塞州 的弗罗斯特国家公园。 SCP-4952包含以下部分: SCP-4952-1是一辆外表浅蓝色的1963年产克莱斯勒300汽车。 SCP-4952-2是一个外表形似美国诗人弗罗斯特的男性人类个体(记录于1910年),SCP-4952-2坐在SCP-4952-1的驾驶座上。 SCP-4952-3是三个与SCP-4952-2外表相同的个体。 SCP-4952-3个 …
Wiki - scp-049 - e621
SCP-049 is an avian humanoid character from the mythos of the SCP Foundation website. His debut story, SCP-049 — Plague Doctor was posted in 2009 by a writer known as Gabriel Jade, which he revised in 2018 with assistance by djkaktus.
SCP-4951 South Central Protective Services' new Containment …
SCP-4951 is a self-propagating digital cloud-based entity capable of writing po...
The Silver Touch-- Improvement Over Time | SCP Foundation Amino
2019年3月10日 · Description: SCP-4951 is a bacterium that displays intelligent and sentient behavior. SCP-4951 survives by infecting a human body via physical skin and/or bodily fluids contact. Infected persons will be referred to as hosts and SCP-4951-1.
SCP-079 - 나무위키
2024年6月9日 · SCP-079는 1978년 제작된 익시디 소서러 마이크로컴퓨터 (Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer)이다. 1981년 주인이었던 대학교 2학년 로 다니던 (사망)은 혼자서 AI 구축을 시도했다. 그의 노트에 따르면, 그의 계획은 지속적으로 진화하고 시간이 지나면 자신을 개량하는 코드를 짜는 것이었다. 프로젝트는 몇달이 지나서 완성되었고, 몇 가지 시험과 개선을 거쳤지만, 가 흥미를 잃고 다른 브랜드의 익시디 소서러 마이크로컴퓨터 로 옮겨버렸다. 그는 SCP-079를 …
SCP-4951: The Silver Touch | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2018年6月9日 · Description: SCP-4951 is a bacterium that displays intelligent and sentient behavior. SCP-4951 survives by infecting a human body via physical skin and/or bodily fluids contact. Infected persons will be referred to as hosts and SCP-4951-1. SCP-4951-1 can infect multiple hosts at once.
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