SCP-496-J - SCP Foundation
2022年10月8日 · Description: SCP-496, who is to be addressed as Senior Researcher Dr. Margaret Sawyer-Sheen, is a 21-year old Caucasian female with deep purple-violet eyes and silver (not gray) hair with gold (not blonde) streaks. She graduated from Harvard University at the age of 17 and at the head of her class, and holds a Ph.D in Medicine, Applied Physics ...
SCP-496-J - Margaret Sawyer-Sheen博士 - 哔哩哔哩
描述: SCP-496-J,一个应被称为高级研究员Dr. Margaret Sawyer-Sheen的人,是一名21岁的高加索裔女性,拥有深紫色的眼睛和带有璨金色(不是金色)条纹的银色(不是灰色)头发。
SCP Foundation: Joke SCPs Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-496-J - Senior Researcher Dr. Margaret "Maggie" Sawyer-Sheen Insistent Terminology : Her hair is silver with gold streaks, not gray with blonde streaks. Nice Girl : As part of her Parody Sue schtick, she is ridiculously nice.
SCP-496 - SCP Foundation
2020年8月7日 · Description: SCP-496 is a substance composed primarily of calcium carbonate 1 that covers a 35 square kilometer area of the sea floor 84 kilometers off the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. The substance has characteristics of a waterborne contagion that is capable of infecting an organism via contact with the skin.
SCP-496-JP - SCP財団
SCP-496-JP研究室は現在取り決められているSCP-496-JPの関連プロトコルについて上位部門に対する異議申し立てを申請中です。 SCP-496-JPの報告書をSCP-496-JP-1にしない手段が確立されていない段階での電子報告書の公開はあまりにも時期尚早ですし、増えすぎたら収容に困るからといって過剰にSCP-496-JP-1を破壊しようとする上位部門の方針には疑問があります。 この議論に興味がある職員は、SCP-496-JP研究室のフォーラム・セクションへアクセスしてく …
SCP-496-J Dr.Margaret Sawyer-Sheen / Margaret Sawyer-Sheen博士
因Dr.Alto Clef的命令,所有SCP-496-J的图像已被编辑 项目编号:SCP-496-J 项目等级:Safe 特殊收容措施:鉴于SCP-496-J只是为了保护她而收容,她需被收容在Site 19的一间标准人形收容隔间内,这间隔间需被整修使之相同于普通高级员工住所。SCP-496-J不能离开站点,但应根据要
SCP-496-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-496-JP is a physically and mentally non-anomalous human female. Representations or records of SCP-496-JP created by people other than SCP-496-JP are designated SCP-496-JP-1. Physical representations such as statues or dolls of SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-1-S (Solid), will physically move and express themselves with gestures.
SCP-496-J (Dr. Margaret Sawyer-Sheen) - DeviantArt
2017年5月15日 · Description: SCP-496, who is to be addressed as Senior Researcher Dr. Margaret Sawyer-Sheen, is a 21-year old Caucasian female with deep purple-violet eyes and silver (not gray) hair with gold (not blonde) streaks. She graduated from Harvard University at the age of 17 and at the head of her class, and holds a Ph.D in Medicine, Applied Physics ...
scp:hubs:en:database:series-i:scp-496 - The Ring of Wonder
2 天之前 · 一名外勤特工在调查一起神秘的溺水事件(发现在受害者的脚腕上有多处割伤)并报告在凯科斯群岛的水下有异常活动时发现了SCP-496。 特工 与该个体进行了交流,不过报告完全不同,因为心灵交流主要是通过图片,声音和抽象的概念进行。 调查者: Endle博士,基金会研究船 的首席研究员。 前言: 由于与SCP-496的交流不是通过语音且无法完美的描述出来,用Endle博士对特工的调查来代替。 Endle博士: 你被分配去和SCP-496进行初步交流,并对有关未确认身 …
SCP-496-JP - アニヲタWiki(仮) - atwiki(アットウィキ)
2025年2月12日 · 人形や像(scp-496-jp-1-s)は、動き出し、身振り手振りで自己表現をし、 写真(scp-496-jp-1-ph)や映像(scp-496-jp-1-m)は撮影されたscp-496-jpの姿が勝手に移動し、外からの呼びかけに返答する。
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