SCP-4982 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4982-1 is the group designation for thirteen pieces of documentation of varying length, subject matter, formats and authorship. Each instance possesses individual anomalous properties. There are four instances in each shelf, save …
SCP-4982 - SCP基金会
SCP-4982 恐怖谷理论 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
项目编号: SCP-4982. 项目等级: Euclid Keter. 特殊收容措施: 仅拥有3级或3级以上权限的人员可以获悉SCP-4982的存在效应,任何未经过3级人员或3级以上人员批准获悉SCP-4982干扰效应的存在,需要接受6次A级记忆清除,知道通过4级人员表决通过后,即可停止对其的 ...
SCP-4982 车库 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
描述: scp-4982是一个超大型地下停车场,内部面积大约为 平方米,其处在美国 州 市 中心的地下,据获悉该停车场于20 年 月 日停止使用,后来又被当地一家酒店购买使用,该酒店购入后不久,其异常效应逐渐显现,在不断有人在此失踪后,该停车场并未停止 ...
SCP4982是什么?-鬼故事 - njomcm.com
scp-4982-1是一共十三份长短、内容、文体和作者不一的文件。每一个体都具有独特的异常性质。每架内各有四份文件,但最上一层内只有一份文件。 若scp-4982-1个体从scp-4982上拿下,其他所有书架格都会以未知原理关闭。
SCP-4982 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-4982. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-4982 is to be kept in a high-security chamber. Laconic Description: SCP-4982 is a bookshelf containing anomalous tomes so evil that they were removed from the Wanderers Library. Only one book may be removed at a time.
SCP-4982 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-4982. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-4982はレベル4以上の職員のみがアクセス可能な高セキュリティ隔離チャンバーに保管され、監視システムが取り付けられます。SCP-4982-1実例群が帯びる自己収容性質のため、これ以上の ...
SCP-4982 | Heavy lies the crown. - YouTube
2020年4月15日 · SCP-4982 - "Heavy lies the crown.", by Uncle Nicolini, narrated by ROUNDERHOUSE. Elements used created by SunnyClockwork, DrClef, JackalRelated, and ROUNDER...
SCP-4982 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Description: SCP-4982 is a modified four-shelf mahogany bookcase carved in French-revival style. Each level is engraved with (from bottom to top) 'Id', 'Ego', 'Mort', and 'Deus', and smaller engravings identify their contents over each SCP-4982-1 instance. A large and pronounced green carving is affixed to the top-center arch of SCP-4982.
Entry Page: 4982 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
2019年7月24日 · A.C Ray Bradbury Amos Marshall The Scarlet King SCP-2521 Agent Ukelele Agent Marion Wheeler Object Classes Safe Security Clearance Levels Level 4 SCP-1425 SCP-4982-1 Chicago Spirit Daevite Empire Envelope Logistics Eternal Circle Marshall, Carter & Dark, Ltd. SCP Foundation Antimemetics Division...
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