SCP-5053 - SCP Foundation
2020年1月3日 · Description: SCP-5053 is a stick bug Phobaeticus kirbyi measuring 53 centimeters in length. The entity is bipedal when relaxed, although it has demonstrated the …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5053 - Anything but a stick in the mud; SCP-5054 - Mr. P; SCP-5055 - 潘多拉; SCP-5056 - 恒常同伴; SCP-5057 - 美味儿阁下; SCP-5058 - 我们寻常的同伴人类; SCP-5059 - 变形! …
SCP-5053: Anything but a stick in the mud - YouTube
2021年3月8日 · My reading of SCP-5053 "Anything but a stick in the mud" by SCP author Marcelles_Raynes.0:00-0:08 Item Number and Object Class0:08-1:12 Special Containment P...
SCPs/Series 6 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-5053 - Anything but a stick in the mud; SCP-5054 - Mr. P; SCP-5055 - Pandora; SCP-5056 - The Constant Companions; SCP-5057 - Señor Taste; SCP-5058 - Our Normal Fellow …
SCP-953 - SCP基金会
scp-953显示出对于家养犬的极度恐惧情绪,并且不会通过其10米范围内,特别当犬类在吠叫或警戒时。 SCP-953已经被证实对人类有敌意,且十分危险,并任何时候都应视为拥有武装:项 …
SCP-053 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-053. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move. …
SCP-505 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-505-1 is the black ink produced by SCP-505, which exhibits the property of self-replication. SCP-505-1 spreads at a variable rate, affected by the substance it comes …
SCP-231 - SCP基金会
本文包含成人内容,可能并不适合所有读者。 如果你已年满 18 周岁并愿意阅读相关内容,点击 这里 继续。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
SCP一覧5000-5999 - SCP財団
2024年3月14日 · SCP-5693 - 神がお金をどう思っているか知りたければ、彼がどんな人々にお金をお与えになるかを見ればいい; SCP-5694 - 戦豚、もしくはピュグマリエン; SCP-5695 - …
SCP-5053 ‘Anything but a stick in the mud’ - Amino Apps
2020年6月20日 · Was trying to figure out which SCP I should have drawn next until someone from the IRC [The chat system on the SCP wiki] suggested I could draw their SCP...and so here it …
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