SCP-5067 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-5067 is a 3 meter tall roughly humanoid robotic construct. Visual inspection suggests the entity is made of an iron-tungsten alloy designed specifically for heat resistance. The digits 5042025 can be found printed along the construct’s spinal cable.
SCP Foundation Database - Google Sites
SCP Foundation Database Here you will find anomolies under foundation containment, international news, and answers to most of your questions and concerns. To contact the database management,...
SCP-5066 - SCP基金会
scp-5066最初是在一系列不明原因的猝死后被发现的,所有受害者都被确认在死前不久去过scp-5066所在地区。 由伊丽莎白·斯诺博士领导的初步调查团队中大多数人都受到了SCP-5066的危害,其中很多在能够推断出SCP-5066的性质前就已经死亡。
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5066 - 过路人; SCP-5067 - 核心记忆; SCP-5068 - The Microbes Must Be Crazy; SCP-5069 - 八正道; SCP-5070 - 他(唯一)的好朋友; SCP-5071 - Exquisite Corpses; SCP-5072 - 一些需要帮助的萤火虫; SCP-5073 - 热巧克力好喝到爆; SCP-5074 - Childhoods End, and Bubbles Burst; SCP-5075 - All The Hanged Kings, True Care ...
SCP-5067: A Nuclear Memory | Robotic SCP - YouTube
Designed by an unknown creator who was supposed to protect a child. It failed. So now, it has a new purpose in existence. Ensuring it's own destruction. The Foundation obtained this SCP and not...
SCP-5067 | "Omnipresent St.Nick" - Amino Apps
SCP-5067 ("Omnipresent St.Nick"), or more commonly refered to as "Santa's little helper" is a plastic replica (NTZ) of the famous Christmas charecter "Santa Claus (Klaus)" which stands at approximately 40cm (400 inches) high and is approximately 27cm (270 inches) wide.
SCP File #:5067 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-5067 is a large Creature looking like a mixture of a Bacteria phage and a Ant. It has 8 Legs, 2 Fangs, 6 Eyes and a tail similar to a bacteriaphage's tail. It is 1,2 Meters in height and 4 meters in length. SCP-5067's method of attack is controlled by its mood.
SCP-5067 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-5067 è altamente radioattivo dato il malfunzionamento della sua fonte di energia, un reattore a fusione nucleare. I meccanismi che un tempo avrebbero dovuto contenere e impedire …
Scp#-5067 | Wiki | SCP Foundation (RP) Amino - Amino Apps
Scp-5067 is a necklace charm that lacks connection chains, it has a big eye on the chain that when grabbed takes over the body of the victim, and causes skin to grow over the eyes in a matter of minutes, and sometimes even seconds, the chain fuses itself onto the hand of the victim who is now deemed as scp-5067-P, the eye serves as its sight ...
Reading of SCP 5067 - A Nuclear Memory : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年5月21日 · SCP-5067 - A Nuclear Memory (+88) by epicsol, AbsentmindedNihilist. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . More posts you may like Related SCP Foundation Magical realism Reading, Writing, and Literature forward back. r/SCP. r/SCP. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | scpwiki.com ...
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