SCP-513 - SCP Foundation
Any noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure.
SCP-513 - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
SCP-513, referred to as "A Cowbell", is an SCP object encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. Physically, SCP-513 is an unremarkable, rusty cowbell. No marks or engravings are visible on its surface due to the large amount of corrosion.
Scp基金會 - 項目編號:SCP-513 ''牛鈴'' 項目等級:Euclid 特殊收 …
在scp-513-1出現之前能夠睡著的受害者報告稱會遭到scp-513-1物理上的襲擊。 一旦受害者醒來,SCP-513-1就像通常一樣逃走了(見實驗文檔513)。 這種睡眠喪失,還有由SCP-513-1行為所引起的導致的心理壓力,通常都會導致妄想狂、敵對心理、過度警覺和沮喪。
SCP-513 | SCP: Anomaly Breach 2 Fanmade Wiki | Fandom
SCP-513 can be contained by leaving it alone in its containment chamber. However, in the case that you have ringed it, SCP-513-1 will start stalking you, showing up in random locations until you die, escape (on Keter) or delete your save (on Euclid and Safe). There is a way to get permanently rid of SCP-513 and its effects:
SCP-513 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-513 - A Cowbell. Item #: SCP-513 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-513 is to be suspended in a one cubic meter block of gelatin and contained within a soundproofed, climate-controlled cell. The gelatin must be …
scp513有什么用 - 百度知道
2024年10月23日 · scp-513是架空世界观scp基金会系列中的一件物品。 物理上,SCP-513是一个没有特别之处,严重锈蚀的牛铃。 因为其表面的严重锈蚀,没有找到任何标记或是刻印痕迹。
SCP文档 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 | Fandom
SCP文档 本质上是 SCP基金会维基 上原始作品的缩减版,包括其最重要的信息。 目前,SCP文档有... 在游戏中,该文档在右下角写着 维修通道 的防爆门的密码。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA 许可协议下提供。 SCP文档本质上是SCP基金会维基上原始作品的缩减版,包括其最重要的信息。 目前,SCP文档有...
SCP-513 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Khi nạn nhân tỉnh lại, SCP-513-1 lại chạy trốn như thường lệ (xem Nhật ký Thí nghiệm 513). Tình trạng thiếu ngủ này, cùng với căng thẳng tinh thần do hành vi của SCP-513-1, gây ra chứng hoang tưởng, tăng động, tăng cảnh giác và trầm cảm ở tất cả các trường hợp thử ...
Scp 513 - Anomaly Breach 2 Wiki
Scp 513 is a bell which shows no anomalous traits however when rung anyone who hears it will see manifestations of 513-B scp 513-B: scp 513-b will randomly manifest in the corner of a player's screen when they turn corners or looks somewhere …
SCP-513 |:| Wolvden
2024年10月25日 · SCP; SCP-513; Main Content. SCP-513 "A Cowbell" ID #11239036. Owned by ☃️ ️ToasterWolf ...
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