SCP-515-ARC - SCP Foundation
SCP-515’s flash mechanism is capable of causing second to third degree burns at close range, as well as inducing temporary blindness. The flash is capable of staying on at a lower intensity, acting as an extremely high power lantern.
SCP-515-ARC - 百度百科
SCP-515-ARC - SCP基金会
项目编号: SCP-515-ARC. 项目等级: Safe. 特殊收容措施:SCP-515现用于调查研究中,需4级安保权限才可接触。若无人接触,则SCP-515应由Dr.Kondraki随身携带保管,或置于他的的私人物品之中。
SCP-515-ARC - 中文百科全書
scp-515-arc「蝴蝶相機」是網路共筆怪談體系《scp基金會》中的異常項目之一,已歸檔scp項目。 其為一台高度個性化的相機,是 Kondraki博士 通過利用多個SCP衍生物改造而成的產物。
Dr Kondraki's Personnel File - SCP Foundation
2025年3月5日 · Addendum: Dr. Kondraki's camera, now classified as SCP-515-ARC, has been confiscated until further notice has been returned following a thorough investigation. Addendum: Recent events have displayed a chaotic streak in Dr. Kondraki's actions, and his actions have warranted him the highest number of disciplinary actions levied upon a single ...
SCP-515 - SCP Foundation
2023年4月19日 · Item #: SCP-515. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-515 is to be kept entirely manacled to his sleeping quarters to the point of near-total immobility. If SCP-515's enclosure is seen to be empty, top priority must be placed on immediate recapture.
SCP-515-ARC - 搜狗百科
2021年1月28日 · SCP-515-ARC「蝴蝶相机」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的异常项目之一,已归档SCP项目。其为一台高度个性化的相机,是Kondraki博士通过利用多个SCP衍生物改造而成的产物。特殊收容措施:SCP-515目前正处于调查研究中,访问需4级许可。
SCP-515-ARC - Butterfly Camera
scp-515-arc 编号#:scp-515-arc 等级:safe 特殊遏制程序:scp-515目前正处于调查研究中,访问需4级许可。 另外,SCP-515由Kondraki博士个人保存,或包含于他的个人物品中。
SCP-515-ARC - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-515-ARC is the personal camera of Dr. Kondraki. It is capable of photographing normally-invisible things, blinding people with its flash, and was built using SCP-143 , SCP-295 , SCP-408 , and SCP-698 .
SCP-515-ARC - SCP財団
scp-515のフラッシュ機能は、至近距離で使用すれば二度から三度の火傷および一時的な失明を引き起こすことが可能です。 また光量を落として持続的に使用することも可能で、高出力の照明として利用できます。