SCP-5162 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5162 is Forrestall's Lagoon, a small volcanic crater with unnaturally clear water and a granite basin. A narrow, shallow inlet connects the lagoon to Lake Huron; its location …
SCP-5162 - SCP基金会
SCP-5162-A是 维特号 The Weight ,一艘位于SCP-5162底部的雅各布时代高桅横帆船。其呈直立状态,桅杆与索具完好,缺少帆。. 船名在船尾清晰可见。 由于水的清澈性,该船与支撑它的 …
Davis Ramirez | SCP Series - The Invisible Davis Wiki - Fandom
Davis Ramirez is classified as SCP-5162 at the SCP Foundation. He was originally part of the D-Class, a homeless veteran who was picked off the street to be a test subject at the …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5161 - 梦里钩沉; SCP-5162 - 维特号The Weight; SCP-5163 - 史上最萌泰迪熊; SCP-5164 - Love Crystals (Protect Your Love Life With The Power Of The Foundation) SCP-5165 - 一叠 …
Corey - NewScapePro Scp Wiki | Fandom
Cory is the main character in the NewScapePro SCP series, usually being the center of all the events with a few exceptions and the last "season" os the serie, where he appears only in the …
SCP-5162: The Fire Man | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino …
2020年2月24日 · SCP #: 5162. Object class: Euclid. Threat level: yellow or red. Containment Procedures: SCP-5162 is to be kept in a room similar to that of solitary confinement cell in a …
Cell of SCP-5162 | SCP Series - The Invisible Davis Wiki | Fandom
The cell of SCP-5162 (Davis) houses Davis when he is not running any experiments. Activities are given to him so he is not bored consistently: some activities include watching TV, working out, …
SCP-5162 (My Wife, Rose) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino …
SCP-5162-1 appears to show signs of life such as subtle movement, as well as movement under the membrane, but is shown to be filled with and genetic material. No documented instances …
Research Lab for SCP-5162 | SCP Series - Fandom
The research lab is where the research team of SCP-5162 collectively come together to dig further into Davis's abilities. Not many changes have been made to the lab except for a one …
SCP-5162 - SCP財団
SCP-5162-Aは、SCP-5162の底に沈んでいるジャコビアン時代の大型帆船 “重圧号”Weight です。 船体は直立しており、マストと艤装は完全に無傷ですが、帆がありません。 水の透明度 …
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