SCP-5172 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5172-1 inserts a thin, proboscis-like appendage into one or both of the target's eye sockets for several seconds. This does not cause physical damage, but it is theorized to be a way for SCP-5172-1 to transmit a paralytic agent or other substance to the target's brain to aid in the harvesting process that follows.
SCP-5172 - 北美旅館製冰機(撒慕那與撒巴)。 - SCP基金會
SCP-5172-1會將長鼻狀細長附肢插入目標的單眼或雙眼窩數秒。 這不會造成物理傷害,但理論上這是SCP-5172-1將麻痺劑等物質傳輸至目標大腦,以輔助隨後收取過程的方式。
SCP-5172 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-5172-1 gattonerà verso il letto del bersaglio, prima di “sedersi” sul suo torace. SCP-5172-1 inserirà una sottile appendice simile ad una proboscide situata nella sua bocca sotto una delle palpebre del bersaglio per diversi secondi.
SCP-5172 - La Fundación SCP
SCP-5172-1 inserta un delgado apéndice en forma de probóscide en una o ambas cavidades oculares del objetivo durante varios segundos. Esto no causa daño físico, pero se teoriza que es una forma en que SCP-5172-1 transmite un agente paralizante u otra sustancia al cerebro del objetivo para ayudar en el proceso de recolección que sigue.
I found a ice box in a hotel. Scp 5172. : r/SCP - Reddit
SCP-5172-1 Will Manifest Once a target has used a ice machine of SCP-5172 And Will Cut will cubes out of there body. until only the spine servosystem Brain & eyes remain. 25 votes, 17 comments. 710K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction…
The Body Harvester SCP-5172 - Facebook
SCP 5172 is a phenomenon that affects guests at North American hotels. Affected individuals will perceive an ice machine on the same floor as their hotel room. Individuals who perceive and then use these SCP5172 ice machines will initiate a Zalmunna Event.
SCP-5172 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot
SCP-5172-1 kriecht auf allen Vieren zum Bett, bevor es eine "sitzende" Position auf der Brust des Ziels einnimmt. SCP-5172-1 führt für mehrere Sekunden ein dünnes, rüsselartiges Anhängsel in eine oder beide Augenhöhlen des Ziels ein.
The Body Harvester SCP-5172 And More SCP That Will Consume …
Join the DR BOB SQUAD by going to / drbob and become an Honorary Member of the Dr. Bob Research Staff! 00:00 The Body Harvester SCP-5172 • The Body Harvester SCP-5172 (SCP Anim... 16:37 SCP-150 ...
SCP-5172 (えすしーぴーごーいちななにー)とは【ピクシブ百科事 …
2024年12月1日 · SCP-5172-1はその長い舌を対象者の眼孔の中に滑り込ませ、脳に直接何らかの意識覚せい剤及び体を動けなくする薬剤を打ち込む(この時点で相当ヤバい)
An instance of SCP-5172 has been spotted : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年7月9日 · Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP-5172 - North American Hotel Ice Machines (Zalmunna and Zebah). (+45) by Erazm. In my personal opinion one of the most underrated Scps. Agreed. I am requesting assistance from MTF Mu-9 as this anomaly must be contained before a Zalmunna event occurs. Thank you - [R E D A C T E D]
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