fragment:scp-5356-2 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP- 是一座位于Site- 站点墓地的大型陵墓。 该建筑由严重风化的石材建造,外部无任何显著特征。 其唯一入口是一扇位于墙壁正中的生锈铁门。 项目被首次发现时,此门贴有一块黯淡的铜牌,上书“反常部”。 未知SCP- 于何时建造或由谁建造。 入口的另一侧有一条长约10米的走廊,延伸入一间更大的房间。 走廊两侧各有六间小墓室,每间墓室都附有一扇石门。 部分墓室中含有一具长约2米、宽高约0.75米的无装饰石棺。 每扇门上都刻有一个人名或是其他称谓,可能 …
SCP- - SCP Foundation
The file "SCP-5356" does not exist. The object it describes may have been archived, explained, or decommissioned and removed from the main database. If not, you may be encountering a database error, and should contact RAISA for assistance.
fragment:scp-5356-2 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月6日 · Description: SCP- is a large mausoleum located in Site- 's on-site cemetery. The building is constructed from severely weathered stone and bears no external distinguishing features. Its only access point is a rusted iron gate at the center of one wall.
SCP- - SCP基金会
文件“scp-5356”不存在。 文件所述对象有可能 已归档 、 已解明 、或 已废除 ,并从主数据库中移除。 若否,你可能遭遇了数据库错误,应联系RAISA寻求帮助。
SCP-5356 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCP-5356 is to be covered up with a heavily protected Sherpa village as disguise. Any civilian personnel spotted entering the village are to be immediately terminated. Description: SCP-5356 is the designation given to 7 different anomalous entities, locations and rituals, all of them located in the north-east part of The Himalayas.
What SCPs are being referenced in SCP-5356? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年6月26日 · I've looked at most of the SCPs and, to my knowledge, they're not deleted. At least most of them aren't.
SCP- - [УДАЛЕНО] - SCP Foundation
Файл "SCP-5356" не существует. Возможно, описываемый в нём объект был обоснован или списан и удален из основной базы данных. Если нет, то возможно вы столкнулись с ошибкой, и вам следует обратиться к сотруднику АПАИБ за помощью.
SCPs/Series 6 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-5356 - [DELETED] SCP-5357 - A History of Rat Control in Alberta; SCP-5358 - Vlorschidia; SCP-5359 - The Poem Of The Unknown Lady; SCP-5360 - 赤いスプラッター殺人事件 (The Red Splatter Murder Case) SCP-5361 - The Weather Man; SCP-5362 - …
SCP-5356 by Zal-Cryptid on DeviantArt
2022年10月3日 · Zal-Cryptid on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/zal-cryptid/art/Manifest-3794-930813910 Zal-Cryptid
SCP Foundation: SCPs 5000 to 5999 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-5356 - [DELETED] SCP-5356 is... not actually an occupied SCP slot. Well, to most Foundation personnel, that is. Personnel with clearance level 5 or above and Pataphysics department members with clearance level 3 or above are authorized to use the slot for what it really is, a facade covering up SCP- .
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