SCP-054-FR - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-054-FR appears only on the part of the wave to closest its victim. If more than one victim is available, SCP-054-FR will manifest at multiple points on the wave. SCP-054-FR will …
SCP-054 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · SCP-054 has developed a mistrust for human males during its confinement; thus, assignment of female personnel is recommended. Description: Out of the water, the subject …
Great White Shark Wave SCP-054-FR Blue Fear (SCP Animation)
SCP-054-FR is a phenomenon occurring in some waves and is characterized by the physical transformation of affected waves to resemble the jaws of a Carcharodon carcharias, …
SCP-054-FR - Fondation SCP
Il se caractérise par la transformation physique de vagues en mâchoires d'un grand requin blanc, capables de se rouler à une vitesse 3 fois supérieure à leur vitesse habituelle si un animal non …
SCP-054-FR | Antagonists Wiki | Fandom
SCP-054-FR, also known as a Blue Fear (Peur Bleue in French), is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is an Euclid-level SCP in the French Branch of SCP Foundation, with an …
SCP-054-FR Blue Fear - Waves of Terror: When the Ocean Hunts You
It is characterized by the physical transformation of waves in the jaws of a great white shark, able to drive at a speed of 3 times higher than their usual speed if an animal non-aquatic or a human...
SCP-054-FR - Лазурный ужас
Первая известная фотография SCP-054-FR. Объект № : SCP-054-FR. Уровень угрозы: Оранжевый . Класс объекта : Евклид. Особые условия содержания: На всех пляжах, где …
SCP-054-FR Blue Fear - YouTube
00:00 SCP-054-FR Great White Shark Wave14:51 SCP-054 - Water Nymph26:43 SCP-3280 - After the Storm 39:38 SCP-242 - Self "Cleaning" Pool52:36 SCP-006 - Founta...
SCP-054-FR - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-054-FR. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: An exclusion zone is to be established around shorelines where SCP-054-FR manifests. Laconic Description: …
What is an FR SCP? - SCP Foundation
Jan 10, 2020 · What is an FR SCP? I recently read SCP-54-FR and was wondering what the FR classification was? Re: What is an FR SCP? The -FR classification indicates that it's an …