SCP-5473 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月22日 · Description: SCP-5473 is a phenomenon affecting those who have entered an approximately one hundred square kilometer area within the Nanda Devi National Park, India. This zone has been designated SCP-5473-A. Subjects affected by SCP-5473 have been designated as SCP-5473-1 and SCP-5473-2 depending on the stages of the effect.
SCP-5473 美味病毒 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
千仞高塔,筑基于此 主页 SCP基金会中文主页 ≡ 主页 SCP基金会中文主页 建立账户 或 登入 主页 帮助 维基语法 语法速查 讨论区:点子及头脑风暴 讨论区:草稿与批判 沙盒目录 SCP-CN维基 SCP-CN维基 如何撰写一篇SCP文档 指导中心 管理专用 最近更新 SCP-5473 美味病毒 (未收容) 图片资料 全身产生 ...
LOVEyuhua - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
由SCP-CN-5473吸收足够血液形成的人形个体,外表与人类女性相似,相貌部分具有典型的英国女性特征,身高在1.41-1.91m,经过[数据删除]检查可知,其身体构造和人类女性基本相同,但身体素质约为人类极限的5-30倍不等,食物为血液(纯净),通过SCP-CN-5473的辅助 ...
SCP-5473 - SCP Sandbox III
Description: SCP-5473 is the designation given to an anomalous creature (which has been designated SCP-5473-A) and of a pillow (which has therefore been designated SCP-5473-B). SCP-5473-A is a brown-furred semi-spherical creature that has a radius of approximately 70cm. On each side of SCP-5473-A’s front has a small humanoid eye and metallic arm.
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎专栏
5000到5099 SCP-5000 - 为什么?SCP-5001 - 神圣不可侵犯SCP-5002 - 收容室女尸之谜SCP-5003 - 衰竭SCP-5004 - 狂妄之人SCP-5005 - 长夜孤灯SCP-5006 - 无人可信SCP-5007 - 巴斯海峡SCP-5008 - 噤声SCP-5009 - 第2…
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SCP-5472 - SCP Foundation
2024年3月26日 · Description: SCP-5472 is a spatial anomaly located within the rear cargo hold of SCP-5472-1; a 2013 Ford Transit Connect cargo van. The rear doors of the vehicle are the only known method of accessing SCP-5472. The side cargo doors have been welded shut, with the original factory ordered partition installed.
杂物间 - Seal Clan
SCP-5473 is an undeterminable string of cognitohazardous English characters that have manifested into a solid state, measuring roughly 3.9 centimeters wide and weighing 106.4 kg. SCP-5473 is unable to be viewed without triggering its anomalous properties, but it is assumed to be tautological in appearance.
Report number one: After some notices to the officers and locals of the area about the disappearance of more than 47 subjects, all between 15-17 years of age, we sent an investigation team to the designated area.
Объекты 5000-5999 — Непереведенное - SCP Foundation
2024年11月1日 · [[module CSS]] Примечание: Эта страница - фрагмент, используемый на данной вики. Она предназначена не для чтения напрямую, а для включения в другие страницы. Фрагмент списка для редактирования [/fragment:not-translated-series-6 ...