SCP-5505 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5505 is an inter-dimensional species of aquatic predator occupying an alternate dimension overlapping our own. SCP-5505 resemble lophiiformes (anglerfish), albeit …
SCP-5505 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-5505 is a species of extradimensional anglerfish that alter their prey's perception of their surroundings. Additional Context: SCP-5505 was an entry in the SCP-5000 …
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5505 - 钩子,长线,浮标; SCP-5506 - The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Manifesting a New God; SCP-5507 - Blade of the Blood Lotus; SCP-5508 - 害虫控制; SCP-5509 - The Art of War …
SCPs/Series 6 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-5504 - A Place to Rest; SCP-5505 - Hook, Line, And Sinker; SCP-5506 - The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Manifesting a New God; SCP-5507 - This Slot is Already Occupied; SCP-5508 - …
scp-550-食尸鬼 - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-550可以通过皮肤消化简单分子(分子半径小于180),方式为直接吸收或通过一种类似气体交换的机能。 它的皮肤可以分泌促进以上两种过程的物质。 分析显示分泌物中包含高浓度的 …
SCP-5506 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5506 is a thoughtform entity currently utilizing coffee-based products as a means of achieving relative permanence. In its attempts to enter our reality, SCP-5506 exerts cognitive …
SCP-5555 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5555 is a mass grave in the northwest corner of Overwatch Command's lowest subbasement that is filled with anomalous corpses. Although most of the bodies within SCP …
2020年7月18日 · 你能以右侧的标签云或者标签指导来浏览标签。 如果你想一次搜索多个标签,试试高级 标签搜索。 --01.-- 危险。 绝对不要点进来。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣 …
SCP-5505 - SCP財団
scp-5505は、表面的には背側付属器 1 に似たテレパシー感覚/影響器官を用いて狩猟を行います。この付属物により、実体は遠くから被捕食者の意識的な思考パターンと感情をテレパシー …
Atlantis | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Atlantis, classified as SCP-5525, was an ancient metropolis, the home of the Atlantean species, the capital of the Atlantean Empire, and one of the earliest known superpowers. Its prowess …