SCP-5760 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-5760. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5760 is currently being held within the dry item storage wing of Site-19. Access to SCP-5760 is limited to those with Level 4 clearance. Description: SCP-5760 is a mummified body, located beneath Site-19 during expansion efforts. Carbon dating shows that SCP-5760 is ...
“SCP-5760-一个安静的夜晚”原文档及花絮 - 哔哩哔哩
描述: SCP-5760是对乔治亚州Nazarene镇及其周边地区目前尚不明确的异常现象的统称。 Nazarene 镇居住着大约745名居民,镇中心和半径3公里的区域已经遭受了各种异常事件——第一件有记录的事件发生于08/25/2018:该镇属于独立浸信会原教旨主义者联盟的圣体教堂的 ...
Item #: SCP-5760 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5760 is currently being held within the dry item storage wing of Site-19. Access to SCP-5760 is limited to those with Level 4 clearance. Description: SCP-5760 is a mummified body, located beneath Site-19 during expansion efforts. Carbon dating shows that SCP-5760 is ...
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5759 - PROJECT VISHAAK; SCP-5760 - 赎罪先生; SCP-5761 - When The Impostor Is Sus II:噩梦时刻; SCP-5762 - 一日一医生; SCP-5763 - 梦蝶; SCP-5764 - 这里什么都没有。 SCP-5765 - A Room With No Bees in It; SCP-5766 - Somewhere Comfier; SCP-5767 - A Wise Old Snail; SCP-5768 - 迪士尼乐园®死不了人; SCP-5769 - All ...
SCP-5760 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-5760. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-5760 is to be kept in the dry item storage wing of Site-19. Laconic Description: SCP-5760 is a mummified body found beneath Site-19 which is a genetic match for O5-4.
讨论串 - SCP基金会
SCP-5760 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
2024年12月10日 · scp-5760은 자신에게 가해진 모든 피해를 매우 빠르게 회복한다. 예를 들어 부검 시도 중 절개된 배는 15초 만에 완전히 닫혔다. 그러나 SCP-5760의 신경계는 온전한 상태며 제 기능을 유지하고 있다.
SCP-5760 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-5760はサイト-19の拡張工事中に地下で発見されたミイラです。 炭素年代測定はSCP-5760が約40,000年前のものであることを示します。 非常に長い年月を経てはいますが、SCP-5760の保存状態は極めて良好であり、石に包まれた状態で発見されたにも拘らず、氷の中に保存されていたかのように見えます。 SCP-5760の左手首の内側からはインクの痕跡が検出されています — これは、劣化して判読できないものの、ある時点でSCP-5760の身体にタトゥーが …
SCP-5760 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-5760 è un corpo mummificato, ritrovato sotto il Sito-19 durante dei tentativi di espansione. La datazione al carbonio ha dimostrato che SCP-5760 risale a circa 40.000 anni fa. Nonostante la sua estrema antichità, SCP-5760 è sorprendentemente intatto.
SCP-5760 - Mr. Atonement - YouTube
Code: SCP-5760Title: Mr. AtonementRating: 112Wordcount: 1024Last Edit: 16 Jun 2022 1850Revision: 25Tags: _cc, _licensebox, alive, dr-wondertainment, humanoid...
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