SCP-5850 - SCP Foundation
SCP-5850 is a passenger locomotive currently in-transit within the United States and has never been observed to stop or decelerate under any circumstances. SCP-5850 has plowed through all known obstructions with no loss in velocity. SCP-5850 has also been observed to maintain its speed even with the absence of rails.
SCP-5850 A Train to Hell - Riding the Rails to Oblivion
This SCP Foundation wiki reading video is about SCP 5850 "A Train to Hell", a train that never stops for any reason and has a host of people inside it. SCP-5...
SCP-5851 - SCP基金会
scp-5851点燃了你心中曾不知其存在的火焰,让你变得格外炽烈。 然而,仍有什么在你脑海中挥之不去。 这一切都不对劲。
SCP-580 秦皇五天座 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:scp-580是一架由丝绸和木头构成的表面上是在始皇帝朝代所制造的飞艇。 它的飞行构件在它的侧面有着以亮绿色描绘,并且以金银装饰的龙凤图案,同时它的甲板是由一种仍未辨识的硬木所制成。
SCP-5850 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-5850 is a locomotive made by Investago Railroad Company that is constantly travelling throughout the United States railway system at high speeds. The ghosts of anyone killed by SCP-5850 will be forced to ride it for eternity.
SCP-585 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-585 works best on thin cylinders of wood cored with graphite. SCP-585 will also function with other easily shave-able materials such as plastic or paper cored with graphite, or with a pure graphite stick.
SCP Documentaries - SCP-5850 "The Train To Hell" - YouTube
2021年7月5日 · Reader: • SCP-5850 A Train to Hell - Riding the... http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5850 My Deviantart page: https://www.deviantart.com/danielnotd...
SCP 5850 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Description: SCP-5850 is a Tall, striding character, which lead some scientists to call it the "Strider". It has a Tripod of legs, each spanning about 30-35 meters high each, with its head only covering less than 20% of its Body.
Runaway Train | SCP-5850 - YouTube
2024年6月4日 · Want to listen ad-free? Try it FREE for 7 days here: patreon.com/TheSCPExperience* * *DISCLAIMER: This episode contains explicit content. Parental guidance i...
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