SCP-5952 - SCP Foundation
2024年3月4日 · Accounts of SCP-5952 suggest its primary motivation is the stalking and kidnapping of the WWSCSTT student body; victims of SCP-5952 frequently report sightings …
SCP-5952 - SCP基金会
Ford捕获的实体被推定为SCP-5952,临时将其编为URA-5952,从基因上将其辨识为一只SoI-004个体 4 。在被发现时,它身上有多处表明存在争斗的擦伤,在其背部有一极深的创口。
SCP系列(5000-5999) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SCP-5952 - 校内外的Warbalang; SCP-5953 - Critique of the Marine Mammal Program; SCP-5954 - 天哪,我忘屁了; SCP-5955 - 傻瓜的差事; SCP-5956 - THEREISNOCANNON; SCP-5957 - A …
SCP-5952 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-5952. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: The foundation is collaborating with the Whitewater Second Chance School for Troubled Teens to hunt down …
SCP-5952 - La Fundación SCP
2009年9月23日 · SCP-5952 ha sido visto exclusivamente en la Escuela de Segundas Oportunidades de Whitewater para Adolescentes Problemáticas (ESOWAP) y sus …
SCP-5953 - SCP基金会
SCP-5953被训练为一种新式士兵,能够执行如护舰、扫雷和侦察等水下任务。 对SCP-5953所做的主要改变包括: 将海豚的意识与人类理念圈中预先存在的无形思想实体系连在一起,使两 …
SCP-5952 | Warbalang | Euclid | Humanoid SCP - YouTube
Its physiology is reportedly misshapen: SCP-5952's legs are asymmetrical, its right leg slightly shorter than its left, forcing it to limp. Its feet end in club-like bone protrusions....
Adam el Asem | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Adam el Asem is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is the very first human being to have ever existed and he was created near the beginning of creation and founded the …
[NEW SCP] SCP-5952 - The Warbalang : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年10月4日 · SCP-5952 - The Warbalang posted 1 hour ago by UraniumEmpire. This one is very confusing... Tho I can conclude that at least, The school is actually evil (or at least some …
The Children of the Scarlet King Hub - SCP Database Wiki
2022年8月17日 · Richard Bruce, 11th Earl of Elgin Dr. Simon Glass Dr. Lydia Homme Dr. Robert Montauk Nobody Joseph Comstock Rockwell The Scarlet King SCP-140-A SCP-231-7 SCP …
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