SCP-6043 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6043 is a metaphysical entity that represents the concept of life and the process of aging. The anomaly is conceptually attached to every living organism.
SCP-cloud-6043 - SCP基金会云国分部
描述: SCP-cloud-6043是一名17岁的女孩,在一次于阿卡迪亚湾 (Arcadia Bay)极强烈的风暴中被发现 3。 对象的能力的限制为空间限制,即在200平方米内,可以无限回溯时间到初始(对象 …
SCP系列 7 - SCP基金會
2024年9月6日 · 搞笑SCP -搞笑的scp項目列表,本頁包括了主站的還有及本站原創。 如果你想創作一篇搞笑scp,請注意你的那一篇要真的夠搞笑而又不是純粹玩梗才行。
SCP-6043 - SCP Explained
2021年11月15日 · Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-6043 is metaphysical and impossible to contain. Laconic Description: SCP-6043 is an abstract entity representing both life and the …
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · SCP-6692 - ' MISS ILE' SCP-6693 - The Inevitable and Obvious Consequence of One SCP Foundation and its Efforts to Maintain Normalcy in the Wake of Undeniable Evil, …
SCP-6043 "Dream Eater" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
2019年8月16日 · SCP-6043 has expressed having multiple anomalous abilities, its most notable being its reality bender-like abilities; it is known to take events from people's dreams and …
r/SCP on Reddit: Some writer could probably find something to …
2020年3月18日 · Description : SCP-6043 is an event in wich clouds raining a liquid LSD substance appear above an area with 100-1000 citizens, in the first 5-7 minutes of SCP-6043 …
SCP-6043 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-6043 is to be fed no more than three deer carcasses per week. Live deer are only permitted to be given whenever testing is soon to be taken place, or if the SCP has been compliant and …
SCP - 6043
SCP - 6043 представляет собой худощавого человека женского пола азиатской наружности около 25 лет. Волосы чёрные, рост 1.69 (один метр, шестьдесят девять сантиметров), …
SCP Series 7 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
SCP Lưu Trữ - Tác phẩm được lưu trữ dưới dạng tài nguyên hoặc thuộc quyền kiểm soát của nhân viên. SCP-EX - Các SCP không còn được coi dị thường hoặc có đặc tính dị thường. …