SCP-610 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause …
SCP-610-L2 - SCP基金会
目前认为这是scp-610土地改造效应的晚期阶段以促进其散播。 DI2,三人之中突变进程比另外两人快数小时的人,数分钟后在Site C内检查塔时发作了。 倒在地上的DI2的感染已经进入SCP …
SCP-610-L2 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月8日 · The progression to the scar tissue phase of SCP-610 infection is observed in full course as DI2 spasms on the ground, his entire body being overtaken by the sickly tan flesh …
SCP-610(憎恶之血肉) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-610似乎是一种传染性的皮肤病,其初期症状包括皮疹,发痒,以及皮肤过敏性增加。 三小时后在胸部和手臂区域开始出现类似瘢痕组织的污点,并在一小时后扩散到腿部和背部,在5小 …
SCP-610 - 憎恨之血肉 - SCP基金會
SCP-610的初期表現類似於一種傳染性皮膚疾病,症狀包含皮疹與搔癢且皮膚會變得敏感。 患者的手臂與胸口將在發病後的3小時內出現類似於嚴重疤痕蟹足腫的皮膚腫塊,這些疤痕腫塊將在 …
[PATHOS] SCP Directory - SCP-610 - Google Sites
SCP-610-2 are capable of running at high speeds and speaking in the presence of SCP-610-1. Instances of SCP-610-2 have two types of attacks. SCP-610-2 will bite its victim, dealing 35%...
[PATHOS] SCP Directory - SCP-610 Testing Regulations - Google …
Welcome to the testing handbook of SCP-610. Here you will be provided with the regulations of testing procedures with both SCP-610-1 and SCP-610-2, as well as with the restrictions that...
SCP-610 - [SCPF] Information Database
Description: SCP-610 is an infectious virus that spreads through physical contact with infected instances. When a person is infected with SCP-610, their body will turn extremely fleshy, and …
SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates/憎恶之血肉 - 页 2 - longluntan
2004年12月9日 · 目前,SCP-610已知的传播媒介似乎仅为接触传染。 在重度感染区域内进行的无人机活动有回收过带有能够在接触有机组织后造成SCP-610扩散的微小颗粒物的空气样本。 …
SCP-610 - SCP基金会
scp-610似乎是一种传染性的皮肤病,其初期症状包括皮疹、发痒、以及皮肤过敏性增加。 三小时后在胸部和手臂区域开始出现类似瘢痕组织的污点,并在一小时后扩散到腿部和背部,在5小 …
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