SCP-6100 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6100 is an exact duplicate of the planet Earth. To be more exact, SCP-6100 is a celestial body or phenomenon discovered in the Carina Nebula that has the appearance of a planet identical to Earth. SCP-6100 does not seem to orbit any star or possess its own satellite.
SCP-6100 - SCP基金会
描述: scp-6100是一个地球的精确复制体。 确切来说,scp-6100是于船底座星云内发现的一个天体或现象,其外观与地球相同。scp-6100似乎并不围绕任何恒星运行,也不具有卫星。
SCP-6100 (2029) - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6100 is an exact duplicate of the planet Earth. To be more exact, SCP-6100 is a celestial body or phenomenon discovered in the Carina Nebula that has the appearance of a planet identical to Earth.
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · 6100 to 6199. SCP-6100 - On Golden Skies; SCP-6101 - The Most Powerful SCP; SCP-6102 - For Classification: Small Organism, No Function; SCP-6103 - As Stars Fade; SCP-6104 - Ice Skating… to the DEATH!!! SCP-6105 - Mind Without Soul; SCP-6106 - Bibliophobia; SCP-6107 - Diseases of the Skin;
SCP-6100 | On Golden Skies | Euclid | Future / Planetary SCP
I stand in reflecting light.Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drmaxwellSCP-6100 was written by Modulum - see their author page here: https://scp...
Объекты 6000-6999 - SCP Foundation
Список необъяснённых локаций — список обнаруженных Фондом необычных зон, которые всё же не требуют установки специфических ОУС.
SCP-610 - 百度百科
SCP-610「憎恨之血肉」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的一种 传染病,于南西伯利亚的贝加尔湖区域扩散。 患者表皮会出现像瘢痕组织的症状直到覆满整个身体。 肉团会快速且以不定型生长及感染转移到其他物体上,形成大片血肉的群落。 由于详尽的报告与印象深刻的照片,其成为后来欲肉教派与血肉恐怖类型SCP的基础。 SCP-610似乎是一种传染性的皮肤病,其初期症状包括皮疹,发痒,以及 皮肤过敏 性增加。 三小时后在胸部和手臂区域开始出现类似瘢痕组织的污 …
Scp- 6100 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-6100 is an adolescent male of approximant 20 years of age, measuring at around 6" tall with a thin yet muscular build, skin is rather a pail yet dark color suggesting he was born within Greece, Egypt or anywhere in the mediterranean.
SCP-6100 "The Shifting One" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-6100 is highly resistant to all forms of energy, acting similar to a battery, by storing kinetic and heat energy before unleashing it in small bursts, but enough energy is able to overcome this effect and damage SCP-6100.
SCP-6100 - SCP基金会
“德鲁扬”号配备了 斯克兰顿-格拉汉姆现实稳定镀层Scranton-Graham reality stabilization plating 和 选择性标识符隐匿,符合太阳系外旅行委员会规定的深空任务的标准规程。 附件加载中…… 以下内容摘录自Andrew Finn的报告和通信记录。 由于通过时间槽传输数据造成的缺陷,相当比例的原始内容已不幸丢失。 搞定,好了。 测试录音……这听起来不错。 舰上报告,第一天。 几分钟前我们到达了太阳系的边缘。 在Jenna的要求下,我们现在正准备启动时间槽驱动器。 我已经把 …
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