SCP-6204 - SCP Foundation
2023年6月14日 · Description: SCP-6204 is a mature female Aptenodytes forsteri (emperor penguin), recovered from London Zoo in 1997. When inseminated through natural or artificial means, SCP-6204 will produce an egg corresponding to an extinct species of land-based animal, ranging from those which co-existed alongside humans to those not active since the ...
SCP基金會 SCP-6204 滅絕蛋 Eggstinction (中文) - YouTube
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6204http://scp-wiki-cn.wikidot.com/scp-62041. 公認的已知最早爬行動物。2. 知性可交流非人形體3. 對原因的說法 ...
scp-6204 - SB-KO3 - scpkosb3.wikidot.com
2025年1月3日 · Description: SCP-6204 is a mature female Aptenodytes forsteri (emperor penguin), recovered from London Zoo in 1997.
SCP-6204 - La Fundación SCP
Descripción: SCP-6204 es una hembra madura de Aptenodytes forsteri (pingüino emperador), recuperada del zoológico de Londres en 1997. Al ser inseminada por medios naturales o artificiales, SCP-6204 producirá un huevo correspondiente a una especie extinta de animal terrestre, desde especies que coexistieron con el ser humano hasta especies ...
SCP-6204 - SCP財団
孵化した実体 (scp-6204-aに指定) は、現在の古生物学の知見に合致する振る舞いを行います。地質学的タイムスケールの点で地球の大気と天候は大きく変動しているにも関わらず、各scp-6204-a実体が重大な悪影響を示したことはありません。
SCP 6204 Eggstinction - YouTube
2022年2月23日 · SCP-6204 is a female Emperor Penguin that lays fertilized eggs that hatches into extinct animals and a dinosaurian hominid, who got adopted by a Foundation couple and ended up being a live-in...
SCP-6204 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-6204. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-6204 is to be kept in a habitat at Site-24. It’s eggs are to be taken and incubated. Laconic Description: SCP-6204 is a penguin whose eggs hatch into extinct species of bird. This included a sapient bird from a species that inhabited Earth 116.5 million years ago.
scp-204-守护者 - 哔哩哔哩
scp-204-1可被常规武器破坏,也可在受到足够的伤害之后被迫还原为分散形态。 scp-204-2总是一个儿童,年龄由4到14岁不等。物理意义上,scp-204-2除了支配scp-204-1的能力之外没有任何特别之处。
SCP - 6204 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
DESCRIPTION: Scp - 6204 is a large entity that measures 8’ 11” and weighs over 750 pounds. 6204 was discovered in {REDACTED}, Massachusetts when a group of fishermen thought they had hauled in a large net full of fish, but instead they …
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · SCP-6199 - King CalcaRuler: Ruler of the Calculators, Savior of its Kind, and a Legend for Years to Come. 6200 to 6299. SCP-6200 - INSOMNIUM; SCP-6201 - Trolls; SCP-6202 - This House is not Your Home; SCP-6203 - Get Them; SCP-6204 - Eggstinction; SCP-6205 - Time to do a fraud; SCP-6206 - The Commissioner of Maximum League Baseball; SCP-6207 ...
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