SCP-6415 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6415 possesses an extending compartment inside which organic material can be placed. Attempts at inputting inorganic material within SCP-6415 have resulted in rejection, accompanied by a short, high-pitched beeping tone.
SCP Foundation: SCPs 6000 to 6999 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-6415 - Tragedy of the Reptile Man. Driven to Suicide: The first thing SCP-6415 did when the Foundation discovered him was throwing himself in the nearby river in an attempt to drown itself. When the Foundation tests his physical limits by withholding food, he does nothing about it, implying that he's perfectly willing to starve himself.
SCP-6416 - SCP基金会
2024年5月9日 · 描述: SCP-6416是一种多元宇宙元概率现象,使一系列可数无限的 四阶魔方物件 状态同步。 SCP-6416出现在多个宇宙中(后称 时间平面-6416Timeplane-6416),这些宇宙符合以下条件: PoI-5242最终被提拔到监督者职位(始终是O5-6)。 在任何符合上述条件的时间线中,全部 SCP-6416-立方 实例在本质上皆是 同一个体,因为它们都被 SCP-整数 抽象化为同样的基础状态。 任一实例的混乱将同时导致全部其他实例混乱至同样状态,从而导致其各自时间线 …
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · SCP-6415 - Monster Printer; SCP-6416 - Misplaced; SCP-6417 - Mind Screw; SCP-6418 - Chamber of Reflection; SCP-6419 - Izanami's Grimoire; SCP-6420 - Arachno-lagophobia; SCP-6421 - The President of the Republic of Chile is Spiderman; SCP-6422 - A Stone on A Mountain; SCP-6423-ARC - PROPHET INCENTIVE; SCP-6424 - The Interstellar Prophet and the ...
SCP-6415 - Tragedy of the Reptile Man | SCP 6415 is a Safe Class ...
SCP 6415 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as Tragedy of the Reptile Man. SCP-6415 designates a humanoid organism of unknown origin and genus with...
SCP-6415 - Tragedy of the Reptile Man - YouTube
SCP 6415 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as Tragedy of the Reptile Man.SCP-6415 designates a humanoid organism of unknown origin and genus with physiologi...
What happened to the Sad Crocodile Man? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年11月22日 · So, was looking through some SCP Explained vids and came across SCP-6415. Went to look the actual page up and... well it's gone. Anyone know what happened there?
SCP-6415 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-6415. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-6415 is to be kept in a standard human containment cell. Laconic Description: SCP-6415 is a tribal lizard man discovered after the foundation accidentally killed his entire family.
SCP-6415 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-6415 is a standard steam engine from the early 1900’s. Within the engine room however, it takes the appearance of a dentist’s office. As the supposed pilot of the train (SCP-6415-1) will ask whoever enters to lay down on the table.
SCP-6415 Revised Ending - Eternal_screaming_void - Archive of …
2022年4月11日 · Huxtable takes a breath to steady himself, and glances at the creature in the corner of the room. It was huddled, as usual, with its knees up to its chest, staring quietly at the newest person to enter its cell. The reptilian face did not lend itself to kind looks, but the absolute heart wrenching gaze nearly made Stanley Huxtable cry himself.