SCP-659 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Description: SCP-659 is a species of bird, resembling a heron, which displays a modular intelligence. Native to North America, only a single flock of SCP-659 is known, although there have been unconfirmed sightings in Europe (Document 659- ).
SCP-659 - SCP Foundation Classic
Description: SCP-659 appears as a genderless, headless humanoid, 1.5 m tall. Subject is nonliving and remains motionless until a physical music medium (i.e. a vinyl record, cassette, or compact disc) contacts its outer shell.
SCP-659 | Communal Avian Intelligence (SCP Orientation)
SCP-659 is a species of bird, resembling a heron, which displays a modular intelligence. SCP-659 is now known to be able to subsist on any form of meat, although whenever possible it will still...
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; ... SCP-659 - Communal Avian Intelligence; SCP-660 - Earthen Womb; SCP-661 - Salesman, Too Good to Be True; SCP-662 - Butler's Hand Bell; SCP-663 - Living Water Filter;
2021年9月29日 · Native to North America, only a single flock of SCP-659 is known, although there have been unconfirmed sightings in Europe (Document 659- ). SCP-659 is naturally an ichthyovore, and as such...
SCP-659 - SCP 재단
2024年12月23日 · 연구 결과 SCP-659는 개체군의 크기가 마리에 이르면 인간 수준의 지능과 지성을 얻는다. 무리는 특이할 정도로 서로 잘 협동하기는 하지만, 집단의식이나 "하이브 마인드"의 특징을 보이지는 않는다. 다시 말해, 단순히 지능이 상승하는 것을 넘어서 행동 시에 생각을 텔레파시로 전달하거나 하지는 않고, 서로 불화를 겪는 모습도 관찰된다. 이 수준의 지능에 다다르면 SCP …
SCP-659 - Совместный птичий разум
Поимка или уничтожение всех особей SCP-659 в естественной среде обитания - задача чрезвычайной важности; формирование стай следует пресекать всеми доступными средствами. Описание: SCP-659 - разновидность птицы, похожей на цаплю, обладающая модульным разумом.
SCP-659 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-659はアオサギに似た、集団的な知性を持つ鳥の一種です。 北アメリカ固有の一群のみが確認されていましたが、未確認の目撃例がヨーロッパにて報告されています(文書659- )。 SCP-659は当然魚を食し、湿地に棲息することを好みますが、凍らない水が存在するならばどこでも生き延びることが可能です。 現在SCP-659はどのような肉を食しても生き延びられる …
SCP-659 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
Un SCP-659 aislado puede resolver problemas simples, usar herramientas y aprender extremadamente rápido. Cuando está en grupo, SCP-659 es capaz de escapar de todas las formas de contención que la Fundación ha intentado usar. Por esta razón, la única estrategia eficaz de contención es el aislamiento.
SCP Foundation: SCPs 600 to 799 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-659 is a species of heron which displays modular intelligence that increases when surrounded by more of its kind. SCP-659 is known to be able to subsist on any form of meat, although it will still consume fish whenever possible.
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