SCP-6608 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6608 is a cognitohazardous visual hallucination that primarily affects those who have a notable interest in astral photography or astronomy. The hallucination appears to manifest in the form of a hexapedal entity covered in an unidentified black fur-like substance.
SCP 6608 - I Saw The Light - YouTube
2024年6月19日 · Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. Become a member for perks: / @bedtimescp Join the Discord: / discord Support me on...
SCP-6608 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
2021年9月8日 · Stardust.aic, AI của Tổ Chức, sẽ theo dõi tất cả các kênh liên lạc để xác nhận chính xác các trường hợp người tự bốc cháy. Mô tả: SCP-6608 là một ảo giác thị giác nguy hiểm chủ yếu ảnh hưởng đến những người có sở thích chụp ảnh về vũ trụ hoặc thiên văn học.
【2024-5-29最新】小米路由器CR660x系列刷机实操(新手向)-小 …
2024年5月29日 · 好在有大佬制作了傻瓜式的刷机工具(见【相关链接】2),瞬间就简化了整个流程。 包含CR660x刷机工具、pb-boot.img、以及一个openwrt固件。 步骤来自于【相关链接】1,感谢大佬的整理。 3.路由器用网线连电脑(注意是LAN口! ),然后电脑wifi连手机(或路由器)热点; 10.刷机完成。 我通过这样的方式完成了刷机,但是手机连openwrt的wifi感觉有点卡顿,进知乎、小红书这些应用开屏时里面的内容总是要加载卡顿一段时间才能正常使用(但只有 …
SCP 6608 | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2018年10月22日 · Description: SCP 6608 is a sentient shadow of what appears to be a 13-year-old male human child. Nothing is ever seen casting this shadow, The subject seems to have the mindset of a 13-year-old and enjoys playing jokes on staff when they are near.
SCP Foundation Vietnam - For the love of stars. ~Kronox ---- ⠀ SCP-6608 …
For the love of stars. ~Kronox ---- ⠀ SCP-6608 - (Tôi thấy ánh sáng) ⠀ ⠀ Mã Vật Thể: SCP-6608 ⠀ ⠀ Phân loại: Keter ⠀ ⠀ Quy Trình Quản Thúc Đặc Biệt: Do bản chất của SCP-6608, việc quản thúc...
小米CR660X(6606 6608 6609)系列路由器刷机经验以及避坑指南
2023年5月20日 · 小米CR660X(6606 6608 6609)系列路由器刷机经验以及避坑指南 小米CR660X 作为一款运营商定制机,有着相对不错的性价比,二手市场只需要80元左右即可拥有一款既能刷机玩OpenWRT,也可以刷红米AX1800取得MESH功能,有具备WiFi6的路由器,可玩性还是不错的。
SCP-608 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Item #: SCP-608. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-608 is to be held in a vacuum chamber at all times while not the subject of active research. Magnetic levitation is to be used to suspend the object in the center of the chamber.
SCP-6608 - I Saw The Light : r/nuscp - Reddit
2021年7月26日 · Things Dr. Bright is not allowed to do: make their name literal. 3.6K subscribers in the nuscp community. An SCP subreddit dedicated to bringing attention to newer articles in the community.
SCP 6608 incident log | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2018年11月7日 · SCP 6608 wandered through site [DATA EXPUNGED] until it accidentally went into hall [DATA EXPUNGED] and found itself in the containment of SCP 2396 (AKA Ms. Sweetie from little misters by Dr. Wondertainment).
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