SCP-6689 - SCP Foundation
Item Number: 6689 Object Class: Keter — Truculent.. Item is unpredictable and containment must be adapted to an ever-changing set of circumstances. Noospheric Containment Construct: Labyrinthine
SCP-6689 - SCP基金会
该收容构造使用经改造的 特里斯墨吉斯忒斯引擎图腾识别仪Trismegistus-Engine Totemic Signifier (称为 TETS-L)建立,并利用SCP-6689与基金会的联系及收容的 自我指涉 概念化以维持迷宫,与 Vivian Elmwoods博士 发现的原则一致。
SCP-6689 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
SCP-6689时常会出现人形阴影,身高大约为1.88m。 没有发现该生物有敌意,将以SCP-6689-A为编号。 附录 SCP-6689-1: SCP-6689总是在措施内来回行驶,似乎在寻找目标。 附录 SCP-6689-2:SCP-6689-A对食物没有反应,尤其是意大利面。 这种方法有可能会阻止SK级空间崩塌。
SCP-6689 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Description: SCP 6689 is a black sphere that replaces everything within a 10cm radius of its surface with pure white light. SCP 6689 can project distorted illusions around it of other SCPs.
SCP-6689 - Fondazione SCP
Elemento: SCP-6689 Classe dell'Oggetto: Keter — Truculento..L'elemento è imprevedibile e il contenimento deve adattarsi ad una assieme di circostanze mutevoli. Costrutto di Contenimento Noosferico: Labirintino
SCP-6689 - SCP基金会
SCP-6689 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mã Vật thể: 6689 Phân loại: Keter — Truculent.. Vật thể có đặc tính khó đoán và quy trình quản thúc phải tùy biến liên tục sao cho phù hợp. Cấu trúc Quản thúc Trí quyển: Mê hồn trận
Scp 6689 4 - SB-KO3
2024年11月4日 · Our best indication as to why is due to the relation between SCP-6689 and said rhizome: the entity understands and experiences it in relation to itself, and thus occupies the role of a central unity — which is antithetical to the nature of the construct.
SCP-6689 - SCP Foundation
By tracing SCP-6689's awareness of itself within the containment construct, GOTTFRIED is capable of adjusting the 'walls' of the labyrinth to divert SCP-6689 away from a potential breach or isolate the entity within a temporary micro-containment construct should the need arise, an essential response to any failure in the other components of the ...
Scp 6689 2 - SB-KO3
The multicursal labyrinth, or maze, is characterized — and distinguished from the unicursal labyrinth — by the disorientating series of navigational choices it offers the labyrinth-walker. 미로라고도 불리는 다중경로성 미궁은 미궁 배회자에게 방향 감각을 잃게 만드는 일련의 경로 선택지를 제공하는 특징이 있으며, 그로 인해 단경로성 ...