SCP-6710 - SCP Foundation
2024年5月2日 · Description: SCP-6710 is a feline entity resembling a large Felis catus with whitish fur that inhabits the terrestrial troposphere 1. It is able to levitate indefinitely by anomalous methods, with the ability to stay above the cluster of clouds. SCP-6710 has proven to be able to dematerialize and enter what has been called "Inactive State", and ...
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; ... SCP-6709 - The Gang of Broken Dreams; SCP-6710 - The vibrating sound of the sea in the ears of a Long Cat; SCP-6711 - Only Time Will Tell; SCP-6712 - Trade, Build, Protect;
SCP-610 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · SCP-610 appears to be a contagious skin disease at first with symptoms including rash, itching, and increased skin sensitivity. Within 3 hours the disease will cause blemishes resembling heavy scar tissue to form in the chest and arm areas, spreading to the legs and back within an additional hour, consuming the victim completely within five hours.
SCP-6710 - La Fundación SCP
Descripción: SCP-6710 es una entidad felina semejante a un gran Felis catus con pelaje blanquecino que habita en la troposfera terrestre 1. Es capaz de levitar indefinidamente por métodos anómalos, con la capacidad de mantenerse por encima del cúmulo de nubes. SCP-6710 ha demostrado ser capaz de desmaterializarse y entrar en lo que se ha ...
scp基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。 ... scp-6710. scp-6777. scp-6803. scp-6820. scp-6909. scp-6930.
SCP-6710 - SCP財団
SCP-610 - 百度百科
scp-610「憎恨之血肉」是网络共笔怪谈体系《scp基金会》中的一种传染病,于南西伯利亚的贝加尔湖区域扩散。 患者表皮会出现像瘢痕组织的症状直到覆满整个身体。
SCP-6710 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mô tả: SCP-6710 là một thực thể mang hình dạng của một con Felis catus lông trắng lớn, sống ở tầng đối lưu 1. Nó có khả năng lơ lửng ở phía trên tầng mây trong một khoảng thời gian vô hạn định. SCP-6710 có thể biến mất và đi vào "Trạng thái Bất động".
Day 2 of Cat Week, with a less known one. SCP-6710 : r/SCP
2023年3月28日 · Day 2 of Cat Week, with a less known one. SCP-6710. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 708K subscribers in the SCP community. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction project | …
SCP-ZH-105 - 不孝子 - SCP基金會
SCP-ZH-105會被基金會所發現,是由於 區發生異常多起失蹤事件,多名失蹤者最後的行蹤都與這棟建築相關。 SCP-ZH-105-1平時可正常運作,僅在有符合特定條件的對象單獨進入SCP-ZH-105-1,並且按下一樓按鈕時觸發異常。 SCP-ZH-105-1會開始持續向下運轉,電梯高度達到一樓後,從外部觀察會看到無人的電梯抵達一樓並維持正常運轉,而從內部觀察樓層顯示螢幕會出現隨機的四位亂碼並繼續向下進入異常空間,目前尚未得知這些亂碼有什麼含義。 SCP-ZH-105-1運轉一 …
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