SCP-6781 - SCP Foundation
SCP-6781 exhibits natural resistance to ontokinetic and reality-shifting events and phenomena. Ontokinetic abilities diminish in effectiveness in the area immediately surrounding the entrance; completely ineffectual 5m past the threshold.
SCP-6781 - SCP基金会
用以升级scp-6781的系统代号衍生自该洞穴在土著因纽特民族中的原名“ᐃᑎᔪᖅ ᐃᒪᖅ ᐊᖕᒪᔪᖅ”,大致翻译为“深井”。 在多次测试后,RAISA技术专家确认保存在RAISA密库中的文件能够保持在原始的受保护状态,原本会造成数据丢失或文件毁损的共认现实 ...
SCP-6781 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
Entry Page: 6781 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
2022年6月22日 · Captain Pierre Gauthier Director Maria Jones Agent Priya Kareem Object Classes Thaumiel Security Clearance Levels Level 3 Level 4 20th Century CE 1970s 1971 1980s 1984 1985 SCP Foundation Administrative Department O5 Council Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration Security Department Earth North America United States Alaska Norton Sound Norton Bay Protected Site-7 Seward ...
SCP-6781 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-6781. Object Class: Thaumiel. Laconic Containment Procedures: Site-7B within SCP-6781 is controlled by the foundation. Laconic Description: SCP-6781 is a cave in the Seward Peninsula of Alaska that is immune to reality-warping effects. Site-7B has been constructed within it as a backup for the nearby Protected Site-07.
SCP 6781 Site 7 HERITAGE| REDTAPE Canon - YouTube
2022年9月29日 · SCP-6781 is a cave system that maintains an anomalous effect that allow documents to survive without being altered, destroyed and even degrade leading to the...
SCP-6781 - SCP財団
説明 — 詳細制限: scp-6781はアメリカ合衆国アラスカ州スワード半島に位置する、未確定の深度と複雑さを有する洞窟系です。scp-6781内部にはノートン湾の約43マイル沖合に位置する主要サイト-7の補助施設であるサイト-7bが存在します。
SCP-6781 “The Robot Fabricator” - Amino Apps
SCP-6871 is a large mechanical machine of unknown origin, made of an unknown material. This machine consists of a platform with a varying number of robotic appendages extending from the base, a speaker floating above the platform, and a dispenser for “nanobots”.
SCP-6781 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-6781 fools people by pretending to be a child and even having a childs voice to fool people. When SCP-6781 gets angry its voice will turn deep and leave it human form and turn into a demon looking creature which is SCP-6781-A. SCP-6781 was contained by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 (Village Idiots) in a small town in Maine near the Canadian ...
SCP 6781 (2020) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Documents: SCP 6781 was found in Canada,⬛⬛⬛⬛ at ⬛⬛⬛PM. The Object was Found inside a garage, charging off a normal power source. 30 × 30m Stone wall, 2.8m thick, 20m height. Mist be put in the magnetized Center and chained up and insulated with Soundproof foam.
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