SCP-6791 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月5日 · SCP-6791 pairs itself with individuals for various lengths of time, primarily within the cranial area of the current host (known hereafter as Subject-6791). SCP-6791's foremost effect is slightly lowering the Hume levels within and around Subject-6791.
SCP-6791 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-6791. Object Class: Adventure. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-6791 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell. Laconic Description: SCP-6791 is an entity which makes its host the story-like protagonist of any event, …
SCP Series 7 - SCP Foundation
2025年2月13日 · SCP-6987 - Your Legally Entitled Coverage As An Employee of the SCP Foundation (Provided by Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.) SCP-6988 - Contagious Omniscience SCP-6989 - Clouds and Clouds, All Around
SCP-6791: The Protagonist - YouTube
My reading of SCP-6791 "The Protagonist" by SCP author LittleFieryOne.0:00 -0:10 Object Classifications0:10- 0:28 Special Containment Procedures0:28-2:31 De...
What exactly is SCP-6791 : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年12月7日 · Dennis and Mary were just two random kids from Jack’s school. The SCP made them go to the Foundation site and claim to be wizards. The Foundation expects random people to show up whenever they capture 6791, and the procedure is to …
SCP-6791 - Fondation SCP
SCP-6791 s'associe à des individus pour des durées variables, principalement via la région crânienne de son hôte actuel (appelé ci-après le Sujet-6791). Le principal effet de SCP-6791 est de réduire légèrement le taux de Humes à l'intérieur et autour du Sujet-6791.
SCP-6791 - The Protagonist // written by LittleFieryOne : r/SCP
2023年7月26日 · What is the one thing everyone can agree is canon in the scp universe despite the "not everything is canon" case?
SCP-6791 - Протагонист
scp-6791 связывает себя с людьми на неопределённый промежуток времени через черепную область носителя (обозначаемый как Субъект-6791).
Scp-6791 "jack" | Wiki | The Ministry of Joy Amino - Amino Apps
2018年9月23日 · SCP-6791 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-6791 will begin running to the person who viewed its face …
Форум — SCP-6791 - Протагонист - SCP Foundation
Как написать scp-объект; Оформление; Техническое руководство по викиразметке; Руководство по тегам; Список избитых штампов; Очерки; Список авторства; Авторские страницы; Переводчику ...
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