SCP-6966-EX - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-6966-EX is alleged to be a free-standing structure resembling a shed located within the premises of Site-39, but does not appear on any layout blueprints of the facility. The …
SCP-6966-EX - SCP基金会
目前暂假定SCP-6966-EX仅为潜在观察者暴露于现场附近的化学实验室的最近一次泄漏中,受到精神活性副产物影响而产生的幻觉,该副产物已被安全控制。由于缺乏此类建筑存在的实物和非 …
SCP-6966-EX 后室 [ SCP ARCHIVE ] - huangyuxuan.top:4000
目前暂假定SCP-6966-EX仅为潜在观察者暴露于现场附近的化学实验室的最近一次泄漏中,受到精神活性副产物影响而产生的幻觉,该副产物已被安全控制。 由于缺乏此类建筑存在的实物和 …
SCP-6966-EX | The Backrooms | Explained | Nightmarefest SCP
Read "SCP-6966-EX" by Aftokrator, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6966.
SCP-6966-EX - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-6966-EX. Object Class: Explained. Laconic Containment Procedures: Just don't worry about it. Laconic Description: SCP-6966-EX is a shed near Site-39 that convinces …
SCP-966 - 百度百科
scp-966「睡梦杀手」是网络共笔怪谈体系《scp基金会》中登场的超自然生物种群。 一种外观上类似于没有毛发,有趾类且嘴里有一排针齿的类人形生物,无法被肉眼正常观察。
SCP-966 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-966是一种外观上类似于没有毛发,有趾类的人类,嘴里有一字排开的针一般的牙齿。 它的爪子有5根,并可以长到20厘米长。 虽然很尖锐,却很容易断裂,使它们不适用于战斗。 …
SCP-6966-EX - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
SCP-6966은 제39기지에 고용된 보안 경비원인 캐시미어 앤더스 Casimir Anders 가 해당 부지에서 정기 야간 순찰을 하던 중에 최초로 확인하여 보고했다. 앤더스 씨는 구조물로 통하는 문이 살짝 …
Scp 6966 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
During this process 3 guards with level 4 clearance or higher must keep an eye on Scp 6966. They must keep their guns trained on him with fully loaded magazines and be equipped with at …
SCP-966 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
scp-966,又名“睡梦杀手”,scp - 收容失效中的人型scp。 SCP-966是一种外观上类似于没有毛发,有趾类的人类,嘴里有一字排开的针一般的牙齿。 它的爪子有5根,并可以长到20厘米长。