SCP-6998 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月5日 · Description: SCP-6998 is the designation for the statistical increase in global anomalous activity observed each year by the Overseer's Council. SCP-6998 has been observed since 1875, a year before the decision was made to merge several normalcy preservation organizations into the Foundation in order to combat the growing rise of anomalous ...
scp-6998-2 - SCP基金会
SCP-6998 - SCP Foundation
scp-6998 rating: +189 + – x / * These two arguments are in a quirked-up CSS Module ( rather than the main code block ) so users can feed Wikidot variables into them .
SCP-6998 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-6998 is a caucasian male humanoid, who is in his mid 40's. He responds to the name Leo Willaims and claims to have been born in Greece, despite there being no record of his presence there. SCP-6998 came to the Foundation's attention when there were reports of reports of a gas explosion somewhere in the Eastern United States.
SCP-6998 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mô tả: SCP-6998 là mã định danh cho sự gia tăng các hoạt động dị thường trên toàn cầu được quan sát mỗi năm bởi Hội đồng Tối cao. SCP-6998 đã được ghi nhận lại từ năm 1875, một năm trước khi đưa ra quyết định hợp nhất một vài cơ quan giữ gìn sự bình thường vào Tổ Chức để chống lại sự gia tăng các hoạt động dị thường.
SCP-6999 - SCP基金会
该视频能够影响自主神经系统和下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴线,抑制对压力源的或战或逃应激反应和调节皮质醇的分泌。 经伦理委员会批准,O5议会委托模因与信息危害部为AISA项目开发SCP-6999。 在演奏及录制之后,志愿研究员开始进行暴露测试。 附录6999.1: 测试记录. 对象: Chuck Ferguson博士. 背景: Ferguson在测试前七年与丈夫结婚,并在三年前收养了一名婴儿。 尽管他报告说他对自己的婚姻状况与家庭满意度很高,其亲近朋友的证词也证实了这一点,但 …
SCP-6998 - La Fundación SCP - Wikidot
Descripción: SCP-6998 es la designación dada al aumento estadístico en la actividad anómala a nivel global observada cada año por el Consejo de Supervisores. SCP-6998 se encuentra bajo observación desde 1875, un año antes de que se tomara la decisión de fusionar varias organizaciones de preservación de la normalidad en la Fundación ...
Scp 6998 "Oxxer" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
6998 seems to be able to detect human emotions, as it has "Cuddled" people who are lonely or sad, played calming music to those who are stressed or angry, and simply engaged in friendly conversation with those who are happy.
SCP_6998 | Harry Ransom Center - Flickr
2025年2月27日 · SCP_6998 Done. Comments (0) Loading comments... Add comment. 15 views. 0 faves. 0 comments. Uploaded on March 6, 2025 Taken on February 27, 2025 Additional info; License . License History. Viewing privacy Public Safety level Safe Content type Photo S Search. Photo navigation < > Thumbnail ...
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SCP-6998 | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2019年12月22日 · Description: SCP-6998 is a female humanoid of unknown origin whose body is covered in cheetah fur. Accompanying this is a tail also similar to a cheetahs with the exception of the tails tip to come to a sharp point similar to that of a knife. SCP-6998 is able to completely control its tail in its habits such as hunting, walking, and running.
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