SCP-7006 - SCP Foundation
RITUAL-7006: Ritual-7006 (Ritual of Absolution, Ceremony of Absolution, The Providence) is an ornate thaumaturgical procession which alters probability (also known as 'luck', 'chance', 'fate' or ‘destiny’) to favor the Foundation's mission of Securement, Containment, and Protection.
SCP-7006 - SCP基金会
2024年4月7日 · 曾经有一个属于控制、收容与保护基金会的奇异装置,它是一个能够开启通往混沌维度的传送门的机器,并能使其内的任何东西完全变形。 一个传送门通往维度内;另一个则通出。 被放进传送门的东西在另一端离开时都会被摧毁、重制或重造成更好的什么东西。 这传送门的性质非常易变,但还是能对其进行某种程度上的控制。 在我们的冒险开始之时,这个装置被 混沌异教 的特工窃走了。 混沌异教是一个只渴望着拆散基金会的组织。 他们希望控制并利用传送门后 …
SCP-7006 - SCP基金会
自此 7006-监守最终移动至了更为中立,更为知名的环境中(比如“坑落之城”,代表着威斯康星州斯洛斯皮特的 Nx-18)。基金会职员的留存率有了提高,且人员的总体士气也有所提升。
SCP-7006 - SCP Foundation
2024年8月4日 · The Pitted City is a quaint community, barely thirty-thousand people. There are homes at the edge of town, a central boulevard that curves slightly, and a bevy of places to visit and enjoy, from parks to the small lake nearby— if only you were not here on business.
SCP-706 - 百度百科
scp-706「完美瓷人偶」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 scp基金会 》系列中的角色之一。12岁的欧美裔少女,皮肤完全由陶瓷构成,并会像正常人类一样生长。 12岁的欧美裔少女,皮肤完全由陶瓷构成,并会像正常人类一样生长。
SCP-7006 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-7006 is a yearly ritual that insures prosperity for the foundation. It involves an occult ceremony, an employee lottery, and a tabletop role-playing game. Additional Context: SCP-7006 was an entry in the SCP-7000 Contest, where it won 18th place.
SCP-7006 - SCP基金会
scp基金会 控制,收容,保护. scp系列 系列 viii (7000 - 7999) 系列 vii (6000 - 6999)
SCP-7006 - SCP Foundation
2024年8月4日 · This module takes place inside the City of Three Ports, an extra-dimensional space overseen and operated by a Genius Loci known as the "Mayor".
SCP-7006 - SCP基金会
控制,收容,保护. scp系列 系列 ix (8000 - 8999) 系列 viii (7000 - 7999) 系列 vii (6000 - 6999)
SCP-7006 : Wooden Citadel | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
SCP-7006 is a small citadel approximately 2.5 square kilometres in size and located 700 kilometres across the Desert of Australia. The boundaries of SCP-7006 are bordered by tall, interconnected buildings measuring at a height of 12 metres.
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