SCP-7012 - SCP Foundation
2024年8月24日 · Description: SCP-7012 is a used NUU brand F4L flip phone. Physically, SCP-7012 is completely nonanomalous. SCP-7012 possesses a rare Akivian sink, a general term for an entity or object that both absorbs and produces Akiva radiation. Notably, Akivian sinks are associated with the end process of apotheosis.
SCP-7012 - SCP基金会
描述:SCP-7012为一款已使用的NUU牌F4L翻盖手机。在物理层面,SCP-7012完全不具备异常性质。 SCP-7012具备罕见的Akivian槽(通用术语,指兼备吸收与产生Akivian辐射功能的实体或项目)。值得注意的是,Akivian槽与神化的最终过程有所关联。
SCP Series 8 - SCP Foundation
5 天之前 · SCP-7012 - chaos you are my angel; SCP-7013 - Thirteen Indeed; SCP-7014 - Praise Be Unto Thee, Oh Dice Gods; SCP-7015 - Mangaka in the High Castle: Melancholy of the Rising Sun; SCP-7016 - Mutually Assured Destruction; SCP-7017 - The Platonic Conspiracy; SCP-7018 - The Long Winding Road;
SCP-7012 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-7012. Object Class: Thaumiel. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-7012 has been attached to an Akiva Siphon used to power all of Site-01. Laconic Description: SCP-7012 is a sentient flip-phone that produces Akiva Radiation. Additional Context: SCP-7012 was an entry in the SCP-7000 Contest, where it won 63rd place.
scp-70012-海的声音 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年10月7日 · scp-70012需每2个月换土并对scp-70012进行高温处理,如发现玻璃盒破损出现铁锈应报告并处理。 描述:scp-70012是一个玻璃罐并透明,且以内部视角观看外边为蓝色并不透明,由scp-70012反射的光会以466°C飞出。
SCP-7012 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Any personnel found wearing 7012 are considered MIA/missing/dead/not human. They are to be incinerated and to be disposed of safely. Description: SCP-7012 is a bracelet that will appear translucent when no living organisms interact. Any organism that wears it will die in 9 minutes.
(Updated) SCP - 7012 "Charlie" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
Item #: SCP - 7012. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment procedures: 7012 is to be kept in a 1 x 1 cement cell at all times. Doors only to be open when personal enters and leaves to do a regular check in. Otherwise the doors will be locked at all times. D-Class may not go through this part of the facilty.
讨论串 - SCP基金会
SCP-7012 - Карминит
[[module Rate]] Объект №: SCP-7012 Класс объекта: Кетер [/keter] Евклид [/euclid] Особые условия содержания: На данный момент SCP-7012 требуется содержать в стандартной камере для гумаоидов и предоставлять все что попросит субъект ...
【搬运】SCP-2012 军灵现世【scp_foundation吧】_百度贴吧
描述:scp-2012是对西斯帕纳第9军团成员的总称,该军团是在公元100年年末从历史记录之中消失的罗马军团。 该军团从历史记录中消失的原因仍然是值得考究的问题。