SCP-7030 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月11日 · Description: SCP-7030 is a designation given to a series of related ontological phenomena that result in the disappearance of affected entities from local realspace. As per the current revision of this documentation, SCP-7030 is believed to have affected between 50 and 70 percent of the human population. 1
SCP-7030 - SCP基金会
第一起确认的scp-7030事件发生在2026年7月5日,但从异常目前的扩张速度推断,真正的首起scp-7030事件应当在2024年末至2025年初之间。 若未来仍无法发现缓解SCP-7030的方法,预计异常将在20 年抹除所有人类生命。
SCP系列 8 - SCP基金会
被归档的scp - 这些scp由于被用于基金会故事或因为工作人员的职权而被保留。 已解明SCP - 这些SCP们,按当前的认知标准,已经不再被视为奇怪的、超自然的、或所谓‘非凡’的。
SCP Series 8 - SCP Foundation
5 天之前 · SCP-7030 - What Comes to Pass; SCP-7031 - You Will Never Reach The End; SCP-7032 - Sister Sanguine; AO-19377033 - Round and Round; SCP-7034 - Æ is for Aerials; SCP-7035 - Wonder Coast; SCP-7036 - Bewildered; SCP-7037 - A Lucky Clover; SCP-7038 - Mother of Miseries; SCP-7039 - The Parasocial Social Club;
SCP-7000竞赛中心 - SCP基金会
2025年3月3日 · 无论你是偶然发现了这里,还是命中注定会来到这里,都要知道,SCP基金会有你是我们的幸运。 既然生活已经充满了机会和风险,何不试试你在7000竞赛中的运气呢? 写作时间: 已结束! 感谢大家的投稿! 恭喜HarryBlank的 SCP-7000 - 大冤种 赢得SCP-7000竞赛! 感谢每一位参赛选手! SCP-7004 - 癫狂、号哭、野蛮。 by Ecronak与AnAnomalousWriter 得分 163 译者: vxeov. SCP-7200 - 船。 by smlt与aismallard 得分 132 译者: hoah2333. SCP-7043 - …
SCP-7030 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-7030 is a generator that was placed in Seattle, WA. Creators of 7030 found the material from an explosion, from whom a suspicious seller sold the material for $900 in 1934. Before initial containment, 7030 was near the Starbucks© HQ.
SCP-7030 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-7030. Object Class: Apollyon. Laconic Containment Procedures: No known methods of stopping SCP-7030 have been identified. Laconic Description: SCP-7030 is a phenomenon that causes people to just disappear from reality. It is steadily increasing in commonality.
SCP一覧7000-7999 - SCP財団
2025年3月2日 · Explained SCPs - すでに超常現象、あるいは異常であるとみなされなくなったSCPです。 音声記録 - サイト内の様々な記事を音声読み上げした作品へのリンク集です。
Scp-7030 : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年10月7日 · I haven't seen anyone talk about scp-7030 and I am wondering what everyone thinks of it cause I just finished it and it is a good read. Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP-7030 - What Comes to Pass (+78) by weizhong. definely the scariest scp (unpopular opinion) i legitimately almost wanted to cry at the very end of the article too : (
SCP 7030 - savagesupreme64 - Archive of Our Own
SCP-7030-1 are tall white hairless figures which shapes look like someone that hasn’t eaten in weeks as well as having massive claws and eyes that look like there coming out of the sockets and a wide mouth with sharp teeth they will try to kill and eat anyone that has entered SCP-7030 and hasn’t turned into one of them yet.]