SCP-7055 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-7055 was the collective term for two trees 1 separated along the Inner-German Border from 1971 to 1990, designated SCP-7055-W (West) and SCP-7055-E (East). SCP-7055-W and SCP-7055-E were sentient, and able to communicate via Morse code (by …
SCP-7055 - SCP基金会
SCP-7055-W和SCP-7055-E均有一定的感知力,彼此之间能够通过摩斯电码进行通信(通过发出类似“敲击”的声音 2)。 SCP-7055-W和SCP-7055-E在意识形态上与它们所处的国家相同,SCP-7055-W属于联邦德国,SCP-7055-E则属于民主德国。 这导致了两棵树之间的政治冲突,最终在1991年苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟解体后的塞姆斯多夫事件中达到高潮。 1. 两棵树皆为欧洲白蜡树. 2. 尚不清楚这些声音是如何产生的. SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
SCP-7055 - 第三次樹界大戰 - SCP基金會
SCP-7055-W與SCP-7055-E均具有感知能力,能夠透過(發出敲擊聲 2)發送摩斯電碼進行交流。 SCP-7055-W與SCP-7055-E在意識形態上與其所在國家近似,SCP-7055-W屬於西方陣營,SCP-7055-E則相反。 這造成了兩棵樹之間的政治衝突,最終導致在1991年蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟解體後,塞爾姆斯多夫事件發生。 1. 均為 Fraxinus excelsior. 2. 目前尚未釐清此類聲音的產生方式. 屬於SCP基金會【機密】資料庫,洩漏情報者將酌情處分。
Url811 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
Description: SCP-7055 was the collective term for two trees 1 separated along the Inner-German Border from 1971 to 1990, designated SCP-7055-W (West) and SCP-7055-E (East). SCP-7055-W and SCP-7055-E were sentient, and able to communicate via Morse code (by …
SCP-7056 - SCP基金会
2025年1月19日 · 描述: SCP-7056是研究与收容中心 Site-43 的纹章(图1)。 它描绘了站点所在的休伦湖的轮廓,背景是八个斜条纹。 这些条纹与2017年创作的费城骄傲旗的颜色配置和比例相匹配。 SCP-7056由V.L. Scout博士于1943年起草,此后一直保持不变。 这种不协调尚未得到解决,但其并不代表标志的主要异常特征。 图2,SCP-7056变体。 SCP-7056是Site-43唯一具有权威性的图标表现形式。 严重的变体(见下) 不会被基金会人员视为“官方”。 这种无效性将会延 …
SCP Series 8 - SCP Foundation
5 天之前 · SCP-7520 - Karma's a bitch spiteful and unpleasant individual; SCP-7521 - The One Where the Ethics Committee Gets Turned Into Fetuses; SCP-7522 - Jamie Goodworth Mcdonald Sr: Finance Expert, Celestial Construct; SCP-7523 - The King of Beverages; SCP-7524 - Bear Hunt; SCP-7525 - The Last Christmas; SCP-7526 - A Place With Doctors
SCP-7055 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
SCP-7055 is a highly contagious and highly hostile large reddish parasitic worm similar to the nematodes Helminth class of parasites measuring 7 inches in length and 8 cm in width. Its biological structure is alike to those of leeches but with difference of color, its behavior, and its effects on other living creatures.
SCP 7055 World War Tree - YouTube
SCP-7055 was a pair of trees that originally grew in the former West-East German border. They were notably sentient and have different ideologies which eventually led to a forgotten war during...
SCP-7055 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
설명: SCP-7055는 1971년부터 1990년까지 동독과 서독 국경을 사이에 두고 떨어진 두 개의 나무 1 를 통칭하며, 각각 SCP-7055-W (West, 서쪽에 위치)와 SCP-7055-E (East, 동쪽에 위치)이라고 칭한다. SCP-7055-W와 SCP-7055-E는 지성이 있으며, 모스코드를 통해 소통할 수 있다.
scp-7055 “长老树”【自创生物角色吧】_百度贴吧
2022年4月25日 · scp-7055 “..scp7055等级:keter高:未知面积:32㎡简介:它坐落于中国一个村庄边,非常巨大,是一个不会移动的收容物,它拥有生命,会“吃掉”距离它20米以内的生物,因此在25米外的距离全部封锁,禁止除D级