ScP-7098 - SCP Foundation
What Is: 7098 only happens here. 7098 makes you write real bad whenever you want to write about it. It makes words bad the prunctuatin bad, and the sentence bad to. We tried to tell the Boss here, but they don’t listen because the words are so bad. They laugh or don’t think its real.
ScP-7098 - SCP基金会
项目编号:scp-7098. 等级:容易. 咋收容:别收容,不需要.只是Sitt 96的烂摊子罢了,真的不用在意. 这是啥:7098只发生在这. 不管你想写什么,只要你一动笔,7098就会让你写出来的东西一塌糊涂,遣词不当,标点混乱,狗屁不通.我们试图告诉这儿管事的,但他们不听,因为写得太 ...
SCP Foundation: SCPs 7000 to 7999 Recap - TV Tropes
2022年7月24日 · SCP-7098 is an anomalous phenomenon which only affects certain research and record-keeping staff at Site-96, which causes any attempt by affected staff to write about SCP-7098 to have multiple issues with spelling, grammar, and general cognitive writing abilities.
SCP系列 8 - SCP基金会
2025年3月21日 · 被归档的SCP - 这些SCP由于被用于基金会故事或因为工作人员的职权而被保留。 已解明SCP - 这些SCP们,按当前的认知标准,已经不再被视为奇怪的、超自然的、或所谓‘非凡’的。 在撰写文档时请留意。 音频化条目 - 链接至网站上各类文章的朗读音频。 被废除的SCP - 这些SCP是如此糟糕以至于我们写下了销毁它们的故事。 我们不希望他们变得更多。 被删除的SCP - 这些SCP在英文官网上已经被彻底搞掉了,所以你可能无法找到它们的原文,不过基金 …
SCP-7098 - SCP Sandbox III
SCP-7098's main anomalous capabilities, such as enhanced physical strength, enhanced auditory perception, the ability to manifest high energy beams from SCP-7098's eyes, and the ability to fly, were most likely obtained by SCP-7098 through a transaction with a member of GOI-025 (Marshall Carter and Dark) for an unknown chemical compound ...
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
scp-200~299. scp-200 - 人茧; scp-201 - 空之境界; scp-202 - 倒带人; scp-203 - 受拷打的钢铁灵魂; scp-204 - 守护者; scp-205 - 幽影之灯; scp-206 - 火星探测车; scp-207 - 一箱可乐; scp-208 - “贝斯”; scp-209 - 虐待狂的酒杯; scp-210 - 浸没之屋; scp-211 - 纸屋; scp-212 - 改造者; scp-213 - 反物质寄生体; scp-214 - 异血病毒; scp-215 - 拟人 ...
ScP-7098 - สถาบัน SCP - Wikidot
วัตถุ #: scp-7098. คลาส: Easy. วิธิการเก็บมัน: คุณไม่ได้เก็บมัน มันไม่จำเป็นสักนิด มันแค่ทำอะไรไปเรื่อยในไซต์-96 คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องไปสนใจ ...
SCP 7098 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月28日 · Description: SCP-7098 is the designation for a currently isolated anomalous phenomenon affecting the research and record keeping staff at Site-96. SCP-7098's effects manifest as a memetic trigger that occurs whenever Foundation personnel, henceforth known as “subjects”, attempt to write about SCP-7098.
SCP-7098 | Wiki - Oc's Amino
7098, in its natural state, appears to be a humanoid male with brown colored skin, and stands at a height of 5.6 feet. They have medium length curly brown hair that is usually kept in a bun or ponytail. They have animalistic features, such as: horns, a tail, long ears, and digi-graded legs.
ScP-7098 - SCP基金会
scp基金会 控制,收容,保护. scp系列 系列 viii (7000 - 7999) 系列 vii (6000 - 6999)
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