SCP-7408 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-7408-A is a large swarm of Lepidoptera graphium agamemnon. that was discovered on 10/20/2003 by a group of researchers in an Antarctic ice cave. Though the average annual temperature of Antarctica’s interior is −57°C, it …
Foxhyf的作者页 - SCP基金会
Fondazione SCP (-IT) Фонд SCP (-UA) Fundação SCP (-PT/BR) SCP Nadace (-CS) Tổ Chức SCP (-VN) 背景资料 关于基金会; 相关组织; 项目等级; 职员档案; 安保许可等级; 安保设施; 机动特遣队; 基金会部门; 中国相关组织; 中国分部设施; 中国分部机动特遣队; 指导 指导中心; 新手指南 ...
SCP Series 8 - SCP Foundation
SCP-7364 - Ravenbrook Film Festival's Top Horror Pick, Three Years Running!
SCP-7408 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-7408 is a species of tailed jay butterflies found frozen in Antarctica which have bonded themselves with Dr. Kondraki. He is capable of controlling them. Additional Context: SCP-7408 is an reimagining of SCP-408 and a part of the The Life and Deaths of Dr. Kondraki series.
SCP-7408 - YouTube
Today's video covers a rewrite of my favorite SCP (SCP-408). Sorry the video is so long, this is a longer SCP to cover. I hope you enjoyed the video and I ho...
SCP-7408 - SCP財団
SCP-7408-Bは、公共の場でSCP-7408-Aを常時完全に隠匿することを条件として、財団での雇用継続とレベル3セキュリティ資格の保持を認められています。 本文書以外では、SCP-7408-Bを呼ぶ際は名前 (コンドラキ博士) のみとし、通常のオブジェクト代名詞 (it/its) は用いないものとします。 説明: SCP-7408-Aは、2008/10/20に南極の氷洞で研究者グループが発見した、鱗翅目 Graphium agamemnon. の大規模な群れです。 南極大陸内陸部の年間平均気温が−57°Cである …
Monarchs and Maestros Hub - SCP Foundation
From one death to another, this is the story of everything that happened between. Prelude: SCP-7408 - Metamorphosis. Chapter 1: DR. KONDRAKI CUT UP WHILE THINKING. Chapter 2: Six Codas. Chapter 3: A Betamax Suicide Note. Chapter 4: Assemblage. Chapter 5: Smoke and Mirrors. Chapter 6: Secure Facility Dossier: Site-17. Chapter 7: Moving Day.
SCP-7408 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
SCP-7408-A trả lời chính xác và ngắn gọn trong toàn bộ chủ đề (ví dụ, tên họ hàng gần của Ts. Kondraki hay phân loại dâu tây). Hiện vẫn chưa rõ tại sao chúng có được thông tin đó.]
Benjamin Kondraki | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Benjamin Kondraki was an SCP Foundation researcher and former Site Director of Site-17. A polarizing person, Kondraki cared little about the consequences for his dramatic antics, making many rivals, of which the most famous was Alto Clef. …
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