SCP-7516 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-7516 is a Class-VII reality bending entity, possibly of Egyptian origin, which refers to itself as “Resheph.” It is capable of various ontological feats, including the spontaneous manifestation of plague-carrying animals, omnipotent observation of the planet Earth, and the possession and physical manipulation of non ...
SCP-7516 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站 - Wikidot
scp7516-2可以在不接触任何其他scp项目以及scp7516-1的前提下被允许离开球形收容室并进行单次时间不超过30分钟的自由活动,该个体活动行为应被时刻监视,若存在任何暴力或异常行为发生,应立即派遣机动特遣队xi-13使用特制的由金刚石组成的特殊枪械进行武装 ...
SCP-7515 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-7515描述了异常星光通过太阳色球折射引起的太阳辐射模式。 这些模式在波长和强度上有所不同,并且可以操纵量子概率的波动,从而控制地球和太阳系内的因果顺序。 SCP-7515事件在天空中以围绕太阳的明亮光图案可见,通常被称为幻日 1。 基金会研究人员将SCP-7515事件描述为“幻日”,已观察到这些事件与受影响个人的幸运或幸运时刻相对应(以下简称SCP-7515-1),尽管这种机会的变化表现为积极还是消极似乎是随机的。 自18 开始记录SCP-7515事件 …
SCP-7516 - Tổ Chức SCP
SCP-7516 được cho là có khả năng gây ra viễn cảnh Cấp-XK Tận-Thế chỉ trong vài ngày nếu không bị quản thúc. Kể từ khi Liệu trình Shaffer-Muladhara được ứng dụng, không có bất kỳ báo cáo nào về những hoạt động dị thường của SCP-7516 bên ngoài phạm vi quản thúc.
SCP-516 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月14日 · SCP-516 appears to go to extra lengths to prevent injury to unarmed humans, deliberately placing shots from SCP-516-1 to avoid collateral damage. When operated manually, SCP-516-1 places a higher priority on preserving unarmed life than eliminating armed targets; it will jam if directed to fire upon a group of persons, of which only some ...
SCP-7566 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月9日 · DESCRIPTION: SCP-7566 is a population of iridescent, pale-skinned megafaunal cephalopods inhabiting various elements of internal infrastructure at Area-12. A classified research operation conducted in May of 1976 within several caverns near Chesapeake Bay, Virginia resulted in the retrieval of various SCP-7566 specimens, along with the body of ...
The SCP Foundation Database
The SCP Foundation (and scp-wiki.net) maintains documentation for all of the SCPs in its custody, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents, written in an academic/scientific style, describe the SCPs and include instructions for …
SCP一覧7000-7999 - SCP財団
2025年3月2日 · Explained SCPs - すでに超常現象、あるいは異常であるとみなされなくなったSCPです。 音声記録 - サイト内の様々な記事を音声読み上げした作品へのリンク集です。
Site-20 Personnel Portraits : r/SCP - Reddit
2024年3月29日 · These are inspired by SunnyClockwork’s art! In order: Site Director - Dr. Holland Ares (Beetle wings and Web) Head of International Communications - Dr. Felix Deltas (Floral shirt pattern) Head Researcher of scp-7516 (oc) - Dr.Judah Ulysses (Coffee) Junior Researcher - …
PENTAGRAM - SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-4776 exhibits antimemetic properties that prevent individuals from sustained knowledge on its exact positional data. SCP-4776 is theorized to be a directed kinetic energy weapon deployed by the United States Department of Defense as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative, a project to form a missile defense system for the continental ...
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