SCP-768 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Description: SCP-768 is a Seiko-brand travel alarm clock that is physically identical to a regular unit of its model in all regards. Its anomalous property is activated when the alarm feature of the clock is set and the alarm activates: instead of emitting a beeping alarm as in normal units of its model, it instead causes all alarms and alerts ...
SCP-768 广域闹钟 - 哔哩哔哩
在 年 月 日进行的实验中, 博士的心电监测仪受SCP-768影响进入紧急状态,造成心脏起搏器将其脉搏跳率提升至接近正常脉搏跳率的三倍。 博士事后需要接受治疗,但已完全康复。 今后进行的实验必须由无心脏起搏器或随身医疗监护系统的研究人员进行。
SCP Foundation Wikia : SCP-768 - scp.fandom.com
SCP-768 are a race of mischievous spirits that manifest as Japanese paper lanterns, in folklore they are known as chochin obake they belong to the Keter class as full containment is impossible. These spirits like to scare humans but are harmless, it is reported that after 100 years, a used paper lantern will turn into and instance of SCP-768.
SCP-768 - Long-Range Alarm Clock 远距离闹钟 - longluntan
描述: SCP-768是一台精工品牌的旅行闹钟,在物理方面与一个普通的同型号闹钟完全相同。 其异常特性会在该闹钟的闹铃被设置并准时启动后发生:与普通同型号闹钟不同,它不会开启它的蜂鸣器,而是会造成距离它300 m 范围内的所有警报被触发。 将SCP-768分解并对其组件进行分析没有发现任何反常现象或异常材料,因此,SCP-768达成这一效果的方式目前不明。 SCP-768会造成这些警报器的自动反应系统被触发,但是不会造成会正常触发这些警报器的事件的发生。 …
实验记录-CN-768 - SCP基金会
此页面记录了SCP-CN-768 公开的 所有实验记录。 鉴于项目的有关性质,大量的实验可能是有用的,基金会中国分部已经开放了针对SCP-CN-768的实验申请,若你想提交你的实验报告, 请填写下面的表格并提交 。 为了判断SCP-CN-768从原材料上获取的物质组分,在加成模式下进行了如下一系列实验。 分析:“……这玩意还真是强迫症患者。 ” ——马博士. 实验材料B: 一份由百度贴吧获取的的同人文打印稿,描述了本作主角 与 的幸福结局,和原作的剧情方向大相径庭。 输出 …
SCP-768 | Long-Range Alarm Clock (SCP Orientation)
2022年8月18日 · Today we will be studying Item number SCP-768: Long-Range Alarm Clock, Object class: Safe. SCP-768 is a Seiko-brand travel alarm clock that is physically identical to a regular unit of its...
SCP-768 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-768. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-768 should be stored without batteries. Testing on it should be conducted at least 300 meters away from any alarm systems. Description: SCP-768 is an alarm clock that will cause all alarm systems with a 300 meter radius of it to go off when it goes off.
SCP-768 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-768 è una sveglia da viaggio di marca Seiko apparentemente identica ad una normale istanza dello stesso modello in tutto e per tutto. La sua proprietà anomala si verifica quando viene impostata la funzione sveglia dell'orologio e l'allarme si attiva: invece di emettere un segnale acustico come le istanze regolari, fa scattare ...
768 - SCP Foundation
SCP-768 displays a number of unusual properties seen in neither humans nor other animals, including the ability to perceive audible frequencies beyond those ordinarily perceivable by humans (unlike other humanoids), proficiency in the use of firearms and the use of conventional currency along with money types not previously observed in digital ...
SCP-768-JP - SCP財団
アイテム番号: scp-768-jp. オブジェクトクラス: safe. 特別収容プロトコル: scp-768-jpは発芽抑制のため乾燥・低温処理を施しサイト-8102の種子用保存庫に保管されます。実験室の床の破損防止やscp-768-jp-1の回収を容易に行うため、scp-768-jpを用いた実験は未舗装の ...
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