SCP-7898 - SCP Foundation
2023年9月23日 · Description: SCP-7898 is an arachnoid parasitic creature that inhabits human bodies for locomotive and reproductive purposes. SCP-7898 nest in dark, dry, enclosed spaces, most commonly inside the walls and crawlspaces of houses, and subsist on sunlight 1 in a process similar to photosynthesis.
SCP-7898 - SCP基金会
描述:scp-7898为一种蛛形纲寄生生物,依靠人体移动和繁殖。 SCP-7898在阴暗湿润的密闭环境中筑巢,大多位于墙体内侧及屋内爬行空间 1 ,以类似光合作用依赖阳光 2 维生。
SCP-7898 - W是「牆壁」(Walls) - SCP基金會
描述: SCP-7898是因移動及生育目的而居住於人體內的蛛網狀膜寄生生物。 SCP-7898會在乾燥、陰暗且封閉的環境中築巢,通常在房屋中的牆內或狹窄的地方,依靠陽光 1 進行類似光合作用的代謝行為。 SCP-7898-1實體是SCP-7898用以移動的人類軀體。 SCP-7898-1實體有移動和模仿正常人說話的能力,但實體缺乏進食、廢物排放等功能。 SCP-7898-1實體似乎無法感受及表達負面情緒,甚至不會對疼痛及巨牙症做出反應。 SCP-7898本體具有六隻腳,外型近似蜘蛛 2,長 …
SCP-7898 - NamuWiki
2024年11月23日 · A work from the SCP anthology "The ABCs of Death," an event in which 31 writers will write 31 horror stories during October 2022. The works in the anthology are themed around a word that corresponds to each letter of the alphabet, and SCP-7898 corresponds to …
SCP-7898 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-7898 is a spider-like parasitic creature that uses humans as a host for their children, and as a transportation method. Tier:9-C. Name: SCP-7898, W is for "Walls" Origin: SCP Foundation. Gender: Unknown. Age: Varies. Classification: SCP, Safe Class.
The Radd Zone - SCP Foundation
SCP-7898: W is for Walls ( +292 ) (27 💬) Phase 2: The instance will break through the drywall from within, grab the head of the host, and use a sharp appendage to implant an egg in the host's ear.
SCP基金会 Wiki | Fandom
警告:基金会资料库属于 高度机密. 严禁未经授权的人员进行访问 安保许可等级 scp项目等级 关于scp基金会 scp列表
SCP-7898 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-7898. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-7898 instances are to be kept in a specialised atrium at Site-109. Laconic Description: SCP-7898 are a species of spiders that take control of humans. Parasitised humans are incapable of …
SCP-7898 - SCP 재단 - Wikidot
scp-7898 격리 아트리움의 위쪽 창문을 매일 최소 5시간 동안, 흐린 날에는 더 장기간 개방하여 scp-7898에게 충분한 태양광을 제공한다. 혈일(血日) 주기 동안에는 아트리움 창문을 차폐하고 격리 구역을 에어로졸 진정제로 가득 채운다.
SCP-7898 - SCP財団
SCP-7898は暗く乾燥した閉鎖空間、最も一般的には住宅の壁の内部や床下空間に営巣し、光合成に似たプロセスを介して太陽光 1 を栄養源とします。 SCP-7898-1個体はSCP-7898が移 …
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