SCP-7961 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-7961 is a lamp post located at the site of a dilapidated pathway in the South East of England. SCP-7961 continues to function as normal, despite no local AC mains nor …
SCP-7961 - SCP基金会
描述: scp-7961是一根路灯柱,位于英国东南部一条失修道路的遗址上。 SCP-7961继续保留有正常功能,尽管当地已没有交流电或中央供电留存。 SCP-7961只会在周边区域出现适当程度黑 …
Deranged SCP-7961 - YouTube
DESCRIPTION: SCP-7961 is a lamp post located at the site of a dilapidated pathway in the South East of England. SCP-7961 continues to function as normal, despite no local AC mains nor …
整个世界是为大棋一盘,合作、背叛与勾心斗角无时无刻不在上演。 棋手一招不慎便沦为棋子,无名小卒在机缘巧合之下也或可左右大局。 若你有机会做一名绝不被推翻的棋手,你当如何选 …
A Single Light in the Deepest Darkness | SCP-7961 - YouTube
Hello There.SCP-7961 is a lamp post located at the site of a dilapidated pathway in the South East of England.SCP-7961 continues to function as normal, despi...
SCP-7961 - SCP Sandbox III
SCP-7961 is able to place eyes on all surfaces and move between almost like some form of pseudo teleportation. SCP-7961 has an extreme weakness to the cold and depending on …
SCP-7960 - SCP基金会
SCP-7960是在1957年6月号《步枪小子:枪的乐趣》(一本美国漫画书,由现已不存在的奥德赛出版社发行)中发现一则邮购广告后被基金会取得。 对此广告内容的抄录如下。 你知道你是个 …
SCP-7961 | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2020年11月12日 · Abilities: Voice Mimicking, Mental access to the specific parts of the brain such as the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the prefrontal cortex of any human. …
SCP - 7961 | [ THE LAMP POST ] - YouTube
2024年3月14日 · SCP-7961 is a lamp post located at the site of a dilapidated pathway in the South East of England.Join the Insane squad : bit.ly/m/insaneleyStay on touch wit...
SCP-7961 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
SCP-7961 was discovered in a town as a myth as it hunted children who stayed out after dark until early morning making a whistling like sound when near its victims and get louder and …