SCP-8814 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-8814 is a modern claw hammer of standard industrial make. If an individual holding SCP-8814 (denoted SCP-8814-A) says the words "white power" in any tone of voice or volume, two lightning bolts will strike the individual regardless of ongoing weather conditions.
SCP--8814 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
scp-cn维基. scp-cn维基. 如何撰写一篇scp文档. 指导中心. 管理专用 | | scp--8814 页面版本: 0, 最后编辑于: 17 sep 2019 13:00. 编辑 标签 历史记录 附件 打印 网站工具 + 选项. 说明 | 服务 ...
SCP-8814 - SCP財団
scp-8814は、アイオワ州コーラルヴィルのウォルマートで発生した大量死傷者事件未遂の後、自称ネオナチかつ“オーディン崇拝魔術師”のシグリッド・ヴリル (出生名: エドゥアルド・コーエン=チャン) から回収されました。
Воскрешение - SCP Foundation
2024年7月29日 · In the aftermath of both Old Foes and New Faces, Sophia Light and Dr. Dan turn their eyes to the next problem to solve - SCP-093-E, the world beyond the Red Sea Object and its errant master/eldritch messiah. And if they want this mission to have any chance at success, they’ll need Light’s new team.
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
scp-200~299. scp-200 - 人茧; scp-201 - 空之境界; scp-202 - 倒带人; scp-203 - 受拷打的钢铁灵魂; scp-204 - 守护者; scp-205 - 幽影之灯; scp-206 - 火星探测车; scp-207 - 一箱可乐; scp-208 - “贝斯”; scp-209 - 虐待狂的酒杯; scp-210 - 浸没之屋; scp-211 - 纸屋; scp-212 - 改造者; scp-213 - 反物质寄生体; scp-214 - 异血病毒; scp-215 - 拟人 ...
SCP Series 9
2025年3月7日 · SCP-8400 - The Birch Knight and the Game of Three Chestnuts; SCP-8401 - Does it hurt when I do this? SCP-8402 - Travelling memories from the end of the 20th century; SCP-8403 - [ACCESS DENIED] SCP-8404 - That One Time The Foundation Attempted To Use SIMULACRUM Technology To Contain A Keter-Class Entity In Another World; SCP-8405 - …
SCP-8814 - 인종차별주의자의 망치 - SCP 재단 채널
2024年4月4日 · 제400기지에선 SCP-8814를 든 슈퍼-백인을 변칙개체들로 구성된 특무부대 시그마-20 "The Ex-Men"에 집어넣어. 많이 나대면 열화우라늄탄으로 쏴죽이는 방식으로 지가 슈퍼맨인 줄 아는 변칙개체들 기강도 잡고. 기지 내에 백인우월주의가 뿌리내리는 것도 방지하고 있다
SCP-814 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-814. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-814-1 is to be kept in a sprung, evacuated anechoic chamber within the Quiet Area of a Type IV acoustic containment facility. SCP-814-2 is to be stored in a climate-controlled locker outside the …
SCP-8814 - SCP Foundation - Ghostarchive
Enter a URL above to replay it from the web archive! (Or, check out Pages or URLs to explore the contents of this archive.) Archived page not showing up? Click here. Archive system: …
SCP) SCP-8814 "인종차별주의자의 망치" | 유머 게시판 | RULIWEB
2024年11月26日 · SCP-8814 "인종차별주의자의 망치"겉보기로는 평범한 망치(워해머X 장도리O)처럼 보이지만, 이걸 들고 "화이트 파워(White Power; 백인을 위대하게)"라고 외치면, 무려 슈-퍼 백인으로 변신할 수 있음.변신 구호를 외치면(음량, 어조와 상관 없음.
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