SCP-8883 - SCP Foundation
2024年12月12日 · Description: SCP-8883 is an anomalous phenomena in which an individual (designated as SCP-8883-A)’s internal components—including all organs, muscles, bones, and bodily fluids 2 —appear as a random assortment of animal viscera when viewed via …
SCP-8883 | SCP Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Item #: SCP-8883 Codename#: overpopulated infection Object Class: Keter Disruption Class: Ekhi Threats: Biohazard Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8883 are not to be interacted with anything or anyone even with extreme safety measures, due to the deadly spread SCP-8883 can cause throughout...
TREE的调查报告 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
SCP―8884从D-6624描述中大概可以判定,SCP―8884是一种精神影响类SCP,能使被影响的人员产生幻觉、口齿不清、暴躁、自杀倾向,一直重复着一句话,其中重复最多的是一个词:绿色 快乐屋,之后就会让其疯狂,想去到他们所说到的“绿色 快乐屋”的地方,但经过 ...
SCP-8882 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-8882 是一个交换系统,以两组不同的可观测模式为中心。 第一组涉及地球上某块一度存在过的大陆之消失(SCP-8882-A);另一组指在海王星轨道之外一颗先前推测存在的天体上,出现一块新大陆(SCP-8882-B)。
SCP-3883 - SCP Foundation
2024年4月28日 · Description: SCP-3883 is a green tentacle-shaped silicone dildo measuring 16.5 cm in length. Two anomalous properties are associated with SCP-3883: the first effect manifests when SCP-3883 is placed in front of a reflective surface, while the second effect manifests when a human individual enters REM sleep 1 within a 1.5 meter radius of the object.
Anomaly 8883 (euclid) : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年10月18日 · Anomaly 8883 (euclid) Okay, so I just found and contained an anomaly that makes any song's lyrics be real. I just stumbled upon this at a garage sale in Georgia, USA. So, I took it home out of curiosity. This thing is shaped like an XBOX. It is made of flesh, and very weird. I dropped a CD on it and it somehow ABSORBED it.
SCP - 8883 Godchild by The-Red-Right-Hand on DeviantArt
2024年10月18日 · I was really looking forward to seeing how this could work because I figure the SCP Foundation would be the only group able to contain/utilise the Sirpyn Paradox, or their universe's Del.
SCP-883 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-883 is a canine female, standing between 5 and 8 meters tall. The bottom portion of its entire body has undergone considerable modification, including fur growth, fingernail growth, and internal oval sclerae (also developed on the shoulders; more movement is possible with each successive lob in the same direction).
SCP-8883 - SCP Foundation
I promise you.” A world away, across the sea of viscera, it’s all still there. Immortalized by years-old journal entries and short videos hidden away in your phone’s camera roll, you still exist, …
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