Scp-9039 ( Child Of The Lizard) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
2021年3月14日 · Description: scp-9039 is described as a large reptile like creature that has mostly scales like most reptiles do but scp-9039 seems to have a sharp sticks sticking out on …
SCP-939 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月1日 · Description: SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. The skins of SCP-939 are highly …
SCP-939 - 百度百科
scp-939「千喉之兽」是网络集成式创作的新怪谈文学《scp基金会》系列中的一种超自然生物。 一种群居的爬行食肉生物,皮肤为红色,没有眼部,口中与脊背上排列着锋利的尖齿,可以模仿 …
SCP-939-J - SCP Foundation
2021年12月7日 · SCP-939-J: C'mere sunshine, you'll get your petting. Intense growling punctuated with a snapping sound can be heard for the next 10 seconds, followed by the …
SCP-939 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-939 (" With Many Voices "), designated as VNP-939 in the Vanguard timeline, and alternatively known as Redwolves, is a species of pack-based predators that possess the …
SCP-939 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
SCP-939是一种群居性的温血食肉动物,其多处身体系统产生了类似穴居生物的退化状况。 SCP-939诱捕猎物的主要方式是用其过去的受害者的声音模仿人类讲话,但也有模仿其他生物和夜 …
SCP-939 - 나무위키
2025年2月7日 · 이 scp는 사람이 주식인데, 전에 잡아먹었던 사람의 목소리를 흉내내어 다른 먹잇감을 유인한다. 멀리서 사람 목소리가 들리길래 가봤더니 이 괴물이 튀어나와 여기까지 온 …
SCP-939 | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP-939 is a keter class entity.it resembles a large red lizard with spikes on its back.the reason it is considered keter is because when it is nearby people feel déjà vu (when you feel this …
SCP-939: With Many Voices Part 1 - The Kaijuologist
2019年10月19日 · Description: SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. The skins of SCP-939 are highly …
SCP-939 - Official SCP: Unity Wiki
SCP-939 is a keter class SCP in SCP: Unity. It was added in Version 0.5.6. It was later temporarily removed in Version 0.6.0, and re-implemented in Version 0.6.5. SCP-939 are …