SCP-943 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Item #: SCP-943. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is to be stored in a secure lockbox in a High Security Containment Vault, accessible only to Level 2 or higher personnel. For purposes of interrogation, Level 1 personnel may request access to SCP-943, but the request must be approved by Level 2 personnel, and the ...
D-9341 | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Benjamin Oliver Walker, otherwise known as D-9341, is the main protagonist of SCP — Containment Breach, a video game adaptation of the SCP Foundation. He is a disposable class personnel housed at an unspecified SCP Foundation site.
SCP-3943 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-3943 refers to an anomaly which affects an entity resembling a Filipino-American male (SCP-3943-1) 1 and a standard taco vending cart (SCP-3943-2) 2 which are laterally displaced partway into the side of a commercial building (SCP-3943-3) in the Paseo district of Oklahoma City.
SCP-953 - SCP基金会
scp-953显示出对于家养犬的极度恐惧情绪,并且不会通过其10米范围内,特别当犬类在吠叫或警戒时。 scp-953已经被证实对人类有敌意,且十分危险,并任何时候都应视为拥有武装:项目的移动必须处于至少6名武装人员的监视下。
D-9341 - 百度百科
SCP-343 - 百度百科
scp-343「神」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 scp基金会 》系列中的角色之一。来历不明的老人,自愿被基金会收容。拥有较强的 现实扭曲 能力,自称是这个宇宙的创造者。scp-343没有表现出危险性,因此基金会的员工可以自由进出其收容间。
SCP-9343-A and SCP-9343-B | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino …
2022年2月24日 · SCP-9343-A is a humanoid with pale grey skin and short, blue hair. He stands at 5'2" ( 157.48cm ) in height, and has a very skinny, malnourished body. His eyes are caved in and are always wide open, except for when he's asleep.
943 - SCP Foundation
When engaged by an enemy plane, SCP-943 will isolate its target— usually a pilot— and disorient them via anomalous means, before then destroying its target in tandem with said pilot. SCP-943 possesses a high degree of intelligence, and will follow certain flight patterns to maximize damage against specific targets.
SCP-343 - 나무위키
2024年3月21日 · 이 scp의 진짜 무서움은 벡 박사와 박사가 scp-343의 연구를 맡은 것으로부터 시작된다. 벡 박사는 전부터 SCP-343과 자주 대화를 했었고 뭔가 이상한 낌새를 느꼈지만 아직 큰 사건도 없었고 재단 인원들도 좋아했기에 그렇게 크게 신경쓰지 않았다.
SCP-943 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2017年7月2日 · Item #: SCP-943. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is to be stored in a secure lockbox in a High Security Containment Vault, accessible only to Level 2 or higher personnel.
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